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Jun 23, 2009 11:37

- 18th birthday of sonic  today! :D Woot! I'll make an icons post as soon as I actually make icons with sonic v-v;

-Went shopping on the iTunes store today. Everything was fine, except for just one thing.
When I went to buy 'The Blind Bandit', my favorite avatar episode, I found that they were actually calling it 'The Earthbending Tournament'. Call me nitpicky, but that just bugged me.

`Also on the subject of avatar. The Teaser trailer makes me excited, but I think that's all I'll saw until more trailers come out, and we see Sokka And Katara. I'm ignoring the fact that it's a twilight actor doing sokka

-Won first place a atladicontest for the second time. This time I really am surprised, becuase I just slapped a quick icon together.
It's still nice though <3

- Got the first dvds of Full Metal Alchemist and Tsubasa from the library. (I've got a pimp library <3) So far I like the both, but I like Tsubasa a little more. Fei is my favorite, he's so cheerful all the time.

- OMG, FLAPJACK! I got up like, really early this morning (which makes no sense considering how hard it was to fall asleep o.O) So after watching GMA, Flapjack was one. And I ship FlapjackxSally Syrup so hard now! Icons will be made, my firend.

full metal alchemist.

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