Someone is spitting dead packets, trying to knock me down. I'm spending Tday Eve fending this off (well, my server techs are and I'm monitoring it).
I think I know the people doing it. Maybe not -- maybe it's the net fundies. Maybe some other flavor of bully who must stick a jackboot in everyone's teeth and prove they are "bigger" and "better" or "holier" than everyone else (and are clearly stupid enough to think such a thing exists). Some people seriously need to get some fucking context and here it is ...
Just in case it's my problem child ...
For the record, and my fan fic site have been up for nearly ten years. My music video archive has been up just as long. I've started expanding my vid archive recently but it's certainly no new site. And my Yuletide page goes back to 2004. has existed as a site for TEN years ALSO. It's no new site either but the update was a long time in coming. The reason all the sites appeared now is because I am building sites for the frickin' new year -- I build traffic sites as part of my business. I do this (new builds or updates/reboots) every bloody day but mainly when I have the designers on contract. Therefore, I have to do the fun, not-for-profit stuff at the same time as monetized traffic hubs. I can code but I'm a horrible designer. Suddenly the DoS has happened at the same time as the site build so I don't know if the two are related but in case they are ... this is not a resurgence. It's just BAU. God forbid someone else do well. Heaven knows we can't have that.
I have many friends hosted on my servers (DarkGate, Brothers in Arms Archive, FanTC Archive, etc. -- in fact, we're full now) and they've had problems with this kind of mentality in the past. If it's not one of their problem children and is one of mine, then you should know that you're knocking down the sites of innocent people as well.
I honestly don't care who you are but I need to locate you to stop the DoS attack. After that, the rat race in your head is your own to live with. I have the best server techs in the world. They have already reflected your attack and, trust me, they WILL track you down.
I've also heard that one of these same old "friends" is in a dither because of the OpEdNews piece. Get real with this -- everyone can contribute to OEN. I submitted my piece like everyone else -- it was given exposure because I've written for them before. It's just a matter of seniority. If you don't like the content, then write something to dispute it. Everyone has the right. But you have to go out and do it yourself. And doing it yourself has always been the problem.
Sorry for a negative post but it was necessary.
To my US friends, happy turkey day.