old Tday joke, website updates, other crap

Nov 23, 2008 17:33

Native American gathers all the elders in his circle. "I got a surefire way to get rid of the white guys," he says, "first, we roast one of those awful birds with the stringy, dry white meat then we serve it with some of those spongy, sickly sweet orange roots and those really tart-tasting, hard little berries. We invite them all over to dinner and tell them 'This is our traditional meal!' They'll be outta here in no time."

My apologies to my friends as I have just the one Thanksgiving joke and you've all heard it innumerable times.

We've completed the updates on http://johnadamsweb.com and have added a site specifically dealing with the miniseries at http://johnadamsweb.com/miniseries

How many more days until the Idiot King is gone? And not a moment too soon ...

So Citigroup is going belly up ... These are the darlings who brought us WorldCom. I think (as usual) Olbermann was on the money when he said we'd be changing the name of all this to "Why Daddy Went to Prison". Big heads are going to roll. Big ones. And one of them, I'm sure, we'll be watching head to Paraguay long about January 20th.

We should be thankful the British money folk figured a way to keep the global economic system going. If they hadn't, we'd all be in much worse shape right now.

Meanwhile, our Bush-led crack team of eco heads is shortly going to start printing up dollars at the Fed in order to flood the economy -- yea, verily, that's where the bailout is coming from. All well and good except that all that does is devalue what you have in savings. Ah, "GOP capitalism", it would be funny if it wasn't so damned scary.

Okay, short but angry rant. Someone (one of those "I'm going to scream at everyone online because I have no power in my own life" personae) over on Fan Fic Rants posted another bitchfest about writers who refuse to format their fan fic so "everyone" can read it. She seems to infer that only "BNF" (or people who see themselves that way) would do this. I'd post this over there but really, what's the point? She'd only take it as proof she's being persecuted and it would feed the persona.

I realize the vast majority of people know all this but for the couple of those who don't, the reason many writers don't provide their fic in all formats is because it's one hell of a lot of work to convert it. I've just spent months writing my novel ... now I have to copy and paste it into a range of different formats simply because one reader can't be bothered to read a pdf file? Can't read it? Email me and I'll send it to you in a doc file. I'm not demanding anyone read my stories -- don't want to read them, don't read them, that's fine.

I say yet again (forgive me all those who've heard this before), I don't know who bothers me more -- the more pernicious BNFs or the ones who hate all BNFs. In point of fact, there is no such thing as a BigNameFan. They don't exist outside the minds of those who perceive them. These percipients need to realize that they're just seeing their own insecurities mirrored back at them.

Ms. Rant (above) seems to think all fan fic writers have been doing this for two years. I have fan novels older than many of the fan fic writers these days (and I mean that literally). Fandom goes back decades. There is a community and a tradition and some of the more annoying newbies are making asses of themselves by acting as though they invented the thing. The earliest forms of slash (in fandom) go back to early Trek and Beatles publications -- decades ago. You didn't invent it. Neither did I.

And I say to those new little annoying fen who presume to be BNF with their fawning admirers -- let me assure you, you're not a big name *anything*. I dare you -- go out to a farmers market and mention the name of the BIGGEST named fan writer you can think of. See how many vacuous stares you get in return. No one else cares. "Big Name" means nothing if you're not in fandom ... The least known medical doctor/scientist/academic/community organizer, etc, in a small community is far better known and respected than the most widely regarded fan fiction writers/artists. He/she is better known and respected than most pro big name writers and artists!

Ms Rant, there are fan writers you've probably never heard of on my flist who could write circles around you. "Big name" does NOT mean "good". The insane circle-jerk mentality that prevails in many fan fic communities shows how much of that "name" is manufactured and utterly without merit.

So yeah, I'll post my stories and novels for those who'd like to read them. I'll post them in whatever formats I have a moment to convert them to. It doesn't mean anything except that I'm not so desperate to stick my stuff in front of tons of eyes that I'll spend hours upon hours converting my stories into every format under the web-based sun. Again, I'm not demanding anyone read my stories -- don't want to read them, don't read them, that's fine. I understand. But don't tell me what I have to do with my stories in order to gain your lofty attention, junior. I just don't care. Neither does anybody else.

american history, jokes, john adams, writing, jadams, fan fiction rants, american revolution, founding fathers, writers, anti-bush, thomas jefferson

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