Ohh! Bluefairy has the perfect MSD boy wig styles I've been looking for FOREVER. (basically since I've gotten Glenn) Hours of searching sites on a 28k connection have finally paid off! Plus, they don't seem to be out of stock of colors (*coughLeekeandVolkscough*)
ShaggyShort This is a style I've been looking for forever!
Short n' curly Ironically, I had just ordered a wig from Leeke, and am trying to get an Angelregion one, so I'm going to have to hold off on buying new wigs for a while. T_T But at least I know they're THERE.
Also, I've decided to sell my Elfdoll Adel. The price is going to be $170, $50 less than Elfdoll.com because she has a semi-deep scratch on her forehead. If anyone on my FL is interested in trying to purchase her before I put her up on DoA, my e-mail is lufiarosetta@yahoo.com .