Hi! Sorry I haven't been very sociable lately. I don't have a very good excuse, I've been playing a new video game that's come out (The Elder Scrolls - Oblivion). ^^ I was thinking back, and the last time I remember being on AIM was a week ago. Please forgive me for being so excited. XD
By the way, are any of you going to
CNUcon? Erin and I are going to be there Saturday for the ball joint doll panel. We're going to bring Sarah, Izzy, Pia, LP, and Fiona. Fiona is sort of borrowing Glen's body right now, so I'm not taking him. ^^
Also in related dolly news, I've ordered wigs for Glenn and Pia. I'll be so happy when all my dolls finally get the wigs and eyes that suit them. I'm sort of a perfectionist...Erin can take pictures of the dolls outside of their "default" looks, but I can't stand it if they don't look just like my imagination.