So, this is fun. And...I have a journal already to keep track of this stuff. I don't even know how many of you guys still use LJ (lately, I've just been using it for communities), but yeah. It'll help keep me motivated. :)
Start day: 2/16/2010
End day: 11/14/2012
Fun Random Stuff
1) Update this list once every week with detailed progress.
2) Put together wedding album.
3) Watch all the LoTR extended versions in one day.
4) Harry Potter Marathon once all the movies are out.
5) Clean up LJ friends and communities.
6) Complete a Sudoku book.
7) Make a playlist of 100 songs recommended by people, no matter the song.
8) Make some new friends on LJ with similiar interests.
9) Write and post any prose or fiction I write, no matter how bad I think it is.
10) Update my personal and family blog at least once a month.
11) Create a new 101 in 1001.
12) Organize iTunes.
Make Me Better
13) Manage my time for the week every Sunday. (1/143)
14) Get a massage.
15) Dress up, not including church, 50 times. (0/50)
16) Identify 100 things that make me happy.
17) Play more piano.
18) Wake up before 9am over each weekend for a month.
19) Finally apply for a library card and use it.
20) Take multi-vitamin everyday for a month. (0/30)
21) Attend a Relief Sociey activity x10. (0/10)
22) Sing in a choir again.
23) Learn how to play Canon in D by memory.
24) Organize piano music.
25) Learn to play guitar.
26) Play
"Falling Slowly" from Once with Rem.
27) Watch 100 new (new to me) movies.
1. Revolutionary Road
28) Read 100 NEW books. No re-reads.
29) Call my family every week. (1/143)
30) Call my brothers randomly once a month. (0/33)
31) Don't pick at my lips for two weeks. (0/14)
32) Spend more time outside.
Workin' Out
33) Weigh myself once a week (0/143).
34) Work out at least 2 times a week. (2/286)
35) Lose 40 pounds.
36) Try a new form of exercise.
37) Be able to run a mile in under 7 minutes.
38) Be able to run a 5K in under 27 minutes.
39) Take a dance class.
40) Do the Couch to 5K plan to get myself back into running again.
41) Run outside twice a month.
Career and Family
42) Graduate in April 2010.
43) Get a job after graduation.
44) Write a love letter.
45) Start trying to have a kid.
46) Make a running list of all the reasons I love my husband.
47) Take pictures as a couple at least once a month (0/33)
48) Finish Peter Pan paper for Incomplete.
Less Food, Less Drink
49) Don't drink Diet Coke for a month (7/30).
50) Go vegetarian for a month.
51) Keep a food journal for at least 6 months. (0/6)
Keep It Clean
52) Fold clothes within 24 hours of them being done in dryer.
53) Clean room every week. (1/143)
54) Clean bathroom every two weeks. (0/72)
55) Go through and organize jewelry.
56) Make and follow a weekly cleaning list
57) Make and follow a monthly cleaning list.
58) Change bedsheets weekly. (0/143)
59) Grow hair out to middle of back.
60) Go to a makeup counter and find out what colors actually work for me.
61) Watch video tutorials on 5 different makeup/hair styles- and attempt them. (0/5)
62) Consciously accessorize x100 (0/100)
63) Wear makeup x500 (0/500)
64) Floss once everyday for 30 straight days. [0/30]
65) Get new glasses.
66) Get a professional manicure.
67) Get eyebrows waxed monthly. (0/33)
68) Become more fashionable.
Outside of Bubble
69) Post 50 Operation Beautiful notes. (0/50)
70) Bake a Cake for someone's birthday.
71) Make a point to hang out with friends x25 (0/25)
72) Take 101 memorable photos.
73) Try Sushi.
74) Give a flower to someone.
75) Hand-make all birthday cards.
76) Relearn how to knit.
77) Knit at least three scarves for others. [0/3]
78) Go ice skating.
79) Give blood at least once. (iron levels permitting)
80) Donate to the DI once a year.
81) Serve food at a soup kitchen.
82) Take a self-defense class.
83) Learn to drive Buick and not be so anxious.
84) Learn to drive a manual.
Monetary Mumbo-Jumbo
85) Sell all old textbooks.
86) Save at least $1001 in savings account. (0/$1001.00)
87) Pay off my current credit card debt.
88) Get a WiiFit to help me exercise.
89) Make a budget and stick to it.
90) Get a good, stylish everyday purse.
91) Stay away from the mall for a month.
92) Get an eye exam.
93) Go to the dentist, even if don't have dental insurance.
94) Do not buy food from vending machines for a month (7/30)
95) Level to 85 when Cataclysm comes out both Horde and Alliance-side.
96) Get a Tank to level-cap.
97) Learn how to PvP.
98) Track a toon's progress from level 1 to cap. No heirlooms. Old School.
99) Get over 8K Achievement Points on Juliamae. (6830/8000)
100) Have each profession maxed. (5/10)
101) Inspire at least one other person to take on the challenge of 101 in 1001.