Today was epic.

Apr 03, 2009 23:58


Did you guys see spencer/brendon's twitters? *snicker*

brendonuriesays @TheSpencerSmith what's up dude?! can't wait to see your ass in south africa ;)

TheSpencerSmith @brendonuriesays Yeah man, it is a nice ass..we just took 'foghat' on a walk, performed like a champion. Did you pick up the rhino urine?

Um, yes. Please always talk about Spencer's ass. It's amusing. I swear, twitter is the best thing that's happened to this band in a long time. XD

Also, I'm starting to agree with Colin. Spencer/Brendon is kinda challenging for OTP right now.

What's with Ryan and Bren not following each other? D: Makes me sad. Something's up... I can tell.


shanesonaplane @brendonuriesays Hows the Snorkeling?

*snort* is that a euphemism, Shane? ;)


If you'd like to check out my super awesome epic day where I got high off caffeine and oranges and ran around school barefoot... and sprinklers and food fights and paint fights and caffeine crashes... click here.

Other than that, SPRING BREAK! Finally. I'm going up to Arizona for a while this week... so I may or may not be on much. It really depends on how much my aunts pay attention to what I'm writing/reading. Can't very well write/read slash with them over my shoulder, now can I?

But I can't be away from you for very long. I'm addicted to you. *nod* Yes, you.

Shout out to Setty and Rach. ILY guys so much. <3

brendon urie, fire alarms, brencer, highness, spencer smith, twitter, food fights, rach's tag, setty's tag, otp

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