Brief. Updates.

Sep 08, 2008 22:42

Took the MCAT - great testing site, met one other "3rd time's a charm" MCAT vet there & we made each other feel better & wished each other luck, wasn't tired after test... that's good.

Post test = massive exhaustion. Spent a week doing nothing but being home in pj's, catching up on sleep & seeing daylight (Well working ~38hrs was in there too)

Applications are in progress, test scores are released Sept 23rd, I won't submit until I know if the scores make it worth it

Started cleaning my room, spent a few hours sifting through dust, clothes, and papers... better, but doesn't look too impressive... yet

Have watched SO MANY MOVIES. Thank you netflix. I love you.

"You Can't Take It With You" is a new favorite. 1938 Best Picture. Ignore occasional racial stereotyping, they didn't know better... The message is what you really want to take away anyway. Beautiful. (Plus I *heart* Jimmy Stewart)

Katie & I have started playing Lego Star Wars together. Lego Star Wars = adorable.

I'm slowly making up for lost time with my "Bible in a year" New Year's resolution. Class/test set me back 2 months. Goal - catch up by end of September

Weekend before last, went to B-town at Ryan's request for the first football game of the season, ended up lobster red, but worth it for time with just the two of us.

Saw Ryan briefly this weekend again after his stay in B-town for another football game. Will plan socializing with more than just the two of us next time he actually stays at our house.

Finally back to my regular 40-42 hour work week. Had taken half hour off each morning during class/test time, back to 8am. BLAH.

I think that's about it.

Somewhere in there is a cake with Colin, & a Walmart/Half-Price Books trip with my sister & him., tending to plants, gathering seeds, eating peaches from my tree for the first time ever (Delicious!!!), and an oil change/tire rotation.

Life. :)
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