Rainy day <3

Jun 18, 2009 10:58

I love rain.  It's really refreshing--especially when you wake up to the pitter-patter outside.  I dunno, waking up just seems easier~

Mm, I'm happy cuz as of today, it's officially been one week since I've been out of school.  I don't know why that's as satisfying to me as it is, buuut whatevs.  I'm enjoying the satisfaction, and celebrating by...doing precisely the same thing I've been doing for that week.  Lazing on my couch, surrounded by my favorite things: my laptop, Nintendo DS--complete with TWEWY, iPod (wow, I'm just noticing how many things seriously are here) a cup of tea, my sketchpad...though I -do- think I left my how-to-draw-yaoi-which-isn't-really-yaoi-but-mad-light-shonen-ai book upstairs after my Xiggy brought it up to flip through when she dropped by...umm, my cell phone, and my webcam.

Don't deny it.  It sounds like heaven <3  Though I -do- ever wish I'd brought my PS2 and/or wii over.  But it's okay...I'm pretty much completely, wholey and utterly taken with my DS right now--that is, after all, the game console for TWEWY, Joh's and my current obsession.  I actually haven't even opened KH:CoM yet--that's how bad this obsession's been.  When I first started getting -really- addicted to TWEWY, I figured it'd be best if I just waited for the obsession to die down a bit before starting KH:CoM, since I've always tried to be at least -somewhat- organized about my changing fandoms.  Now...what is it, two months later? I've pretty much resigned myself to being obsessed with two games at once.  Oh well.  What's a gamer to do when there's so many epic games to play out?

Games aren't the only thing Joh and I have been obsessing over, though.  Nope--Otakon is FINALLY just under a month away-- ONLY 29 MORE DAYS!!!~  Which, of course, means... cosplay is the only other thing we ever talk about (aside from TWEWY itself and yaoi, that is.  We can be rather one track minded, sometimes).  I FINALLLLY FINISHED JOSHUA~  Joh found the perfect wig for me, and I FINALLY found a good shirt (I'm picky, and that doesn't help when you're looking for a color as specific as that of Josh's shirt), plus suitable pants and shoes~  Now I just...need to temporarily turn my phone freaking ORANGE.  ...Ehh, actually, that's not as big of a deal as I'm making it sound.  I know how I'ma do it.  I can't believe it didn't strike me sooner, either, but better late then never. *Shrugs*  So now it's just Finian that I've gotta worry about.  I know the wig I want (again, the awesome person that is my sister, found it online) as well as the pants (okay, okay, so Joh's really the one with the online browsing smarts.  I'm fine with that.  It makes things...actually work, hehe) so now it's just the shirt--but I don't think that'll be too hard. I just started looking last night, and already came across a number of prospects.


Oh, cosplay.  How you take over our lives.

And I'm thinking of seriously kicking myself in high gear to start writing seriously again (as in, actually updating my chapter stories and writing oneshots rather than only rp-ing with my beloved...as fun as that may be).  Maybe...maybe...

nintendo ds, couch, writing, yaoi, finian, rain, video games, joshua, anime, otakon, lazy, freedom, twewy, cosplay, wigs, my favorite things, orange

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