I love TALL Tuesdays

Mar 09, 2010 15:49

TALL Tuesdays exist only in my school, I'm sure, so lemme just quickly explain; I get out an hour early, and all of my classes are shorter.  See why I love them?

So yeah--today's the most okay I've been feeling in days, so I figured I'd take the opportunity to update my journal while I was, you know, actually in a decent state of mind.

What the hell, my cursor won't work with the touch pad.  Oh...never mind, it's working again.  See, this is why I'm convinced, like, the world is out to get me--or at least make sure I'm not happy XDD

Lesse...I took a day off from school yesterday cuz I was just so out of it and miserable.  I'm really glad I had the house to myself most of the day--mom was out...I don't even remember--oh, wait, it was jury duty.  LOL she got jury duty.  And she's an, uh, alternative juror.  So if someone in the jury for the case she's been chosen as an alternative can't show up she'll just go in their place.  Which means...I get more time to myself >D

But yeah, I just didn't go in, and caught up on like, all of my work.  I go through such a ridiculously vicious cycle; I get too much work; I get upset when I can't get it all done; I get really depressed cuz I feel like I'm failing myself and like my school; I do not-my-best work cuz I can't work well that way; I go into school exhausted; I get too much work...etc etc etc.  But I'm pretty much caught up now, except for a lab that I got an extension on and I'ma try my best to stay on top of it.  So that means, read my STUPID gov't textbook (bleh), review for a quiz I missed yesterday plus do the math homework I got for today ... and uh, I'll figure out the rest when I look in my planner.

Oh I was so annoyed because my lab partner just DIDN'T GIVE ME THE OBSERVATIONS AND STUFF from the lab we were doing despite my attempts to contact him, hence I needed an extension since it was DUE TODAY.  S'okay though, he came up with me to talk to the teacher at the end of class.  Mattie's such a sweetie <3

Mm so I'll do that lab tonight... and hopefully just not let myself get overwhelmed by the fact that there's like...five different hair samples for each method of hair analysis (its forensic chemistry and ohmigawd its so much fun when you're actually doing lab work, and NOT analyzing which of course is what I have to do now OF COURSE).

On a COMPLETELY different note: GO SEE ALICE IN WONDERLAND, it is SO so good~  /end shameless plug xD  Honestly, I wasn't really expecting it to be all that good, but it really was, and that really made me happy.  I loooove love love Tim Burton like you don't even know (actually Joh knows but that's beside the point >w>).  AND I loved Depp in it, though that's prolly not saying much cuz I just love him. <3

And I downloaded another two albums of Pink Martini from my dad (cuz his taste in music is just awesome) and I'm listening to it a ridiculous about because its sooo good and that was another good part of the weekend (LOL can you tell I'm desperate for highlights at this point? XD;;)

Though I have to say--the latest tex RP's are making me UBER happy and keeping me going through school guys XDDD

Oh.  And wish me luck, I guess, on my school's woodwinds/brass concert, I just got my braces tightened painfully and I'm not sure if I'm gonna like almost-pass out again since that seems to be becoming a norm?  Oh...body, why do you hate me so much?

Annd that's about it I guess?  I really gotta start my work...particularly on that lab.  Caitlin, you need to ANSWER YOUR PHONE young lady.

movies, life, rping, boredom, tim burton, forensics, music, school, tired

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