Not Dead Yet

Jul 06, 2006 23:08

Just thought I'd let you all know I'm still alive. Last Saturday I was driving home from work and the DJ on the radio was talking about how the 4th of July is the deadliest day of the year, and the second deadliest is the 3rd of July, then he said the that hour of the week in which the most people die is Saturday night between 9 and 10, and I looked at the clock and it was 9:55pm. Had I crashed my car and died, I would have haunted that DJ for the rest of his life and part of his afterlife.

The 4th was actually pretty good this year. My friend and I got very drunk during a short period of time, and saw a ton of people. My favorite part of the night was when a girl I hadn't seen since middle school asked me if I was related to myself. When she found out my last name I thought she'd ask me if I was related to my brother or something, but instead she said, "Are you related to Melody." Ummm, I am Melody. She was pretty embarrassed.

My friend and I realized how drunk we were the next day when we added up all the drinks we had. I think it was 11 in about 3 hours. And a number of people have asked us if we had fun, and we don't really recall seeing them. No one has told me of anything too bad yet, except for maybe walking to my car with a beer in my hand and stopping to talk to a cop on the way there. Screw you, open container law! And I was going to my car to get another drink, not to drive home.

My sister's kids are still here, they leave on Monday. So with them and work I haven't had a lot of time to update.

And I'm watching The Lost Boys right now. I love this movie.

work, long time update, parties

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