
May 03, 2008 01:36

I like the raw animal sensuality of being nude in bed, in the darkness where only brief shapes can be seen-and the rest is all touch, free for your exposed length of your body to rub over. There is a sense of possibility, baring it all, tempting someone to enter, mere animal stripped to basal instincts of fully sensation and nerves. In the darkness you can pretend; and the sheets will be your lover as you move luxuriously along its length, pant and shudder as your normally hidden skin buds come into contact with the electric night air. Wrapping and unwrapping yourself you tease the hungering sheets-one moment you're trapped in its embrace and the next you have wriggled out of its grasp, slippery nymph that you are-

but daylight peeks in and you’re back to being civilized again, rules and regulations to obey and clothes to wear for the clean, well-defined lines of society (no lord-of-the-flies tribal dances please).


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