❦ Chapter II - Endless Worries [action/voice]

Apr 12, 2010 15:50

[It was early in the morning when Edward ventured outside. The sky was still marred by some hints of night as the sun rose over the horizon. Making his way through all the twigs and brush, the bard sat along the banks of the lake nearby to enjoy the tranquil silence. The morning mist that settled over the lake made it seem as if Edward was still dreaming despite being obviously being wide-awake. He was silent as he stared at the peaceful hues of grays and greens, his mind just reeling from all the events that have transpired thus far. Still unsure what to make of this strange realm, Edward found himself ill at ease now.]

I can’t believe he’s alive…

Then again, Minako did state that those who’ve died could be revived somehow. Although, it seems as if Tellah wasn’t revived, but rather taken right after that dreadful confrontation…

[Letting out a sigh as he remembered their brief conversation, Edward wondered who else would be ensnared by the Malnosso’s plot.]

I wonder, will Anna come too? If so, will she be angry with me? It’s my fault after all…

minako aino, !voice, !action, jack sparrow, rosa, evil dragoon knight, terra branford, rydia

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