Justify? Or just defy? Take thirty seconds out of your day, and think about that.
I was able to pry myself away from Coheed for the time being, and now it's back into Dream Theater. Scenes From a Memory to be more specific. I just seem to have this infatuation with concept albums- the one I'm listening to right now is the only one that I fully comprehend...or so I think I fully comprehend it. Knowing Dream Theater I'm sure I'm missing a huge piece of the puzzle.
At the very center of the story is the concept of reincarnation- a concept of which I am very intruiged with. The story consists of a patient, by the name of Nicholas attending a hypnotherapist appointment. He tells his hypnotherapist that he's been having dreams of a girl. He, however, is unable to identify this girl, and knows nothing about her. Slowly, with the help of his hypnotherapist, Nicholas is able to put a name to the girl's face: Victoria Page.
Upon hearing this name the hypnotherapist is prompted to help Nicholas decipher the story of Victoria Page. Through many different hypnotherapeutical processes it is uncovered that Victoria was in somewhat of a love triange with two brothers: Edward and Julian. Originally Victoria had been an item with Julian, but soon left him in response to his drinking and gambling addiction. For comfort she ends up turning to Edward, with whom she ends up having an affair.
Soon enough, however, Victoria grows bored with Edwards, and wishes to reconcile with Julian. As Victoria ends her short-lived relationship with Edward, the band breaks into song, written in the form of a fake suicide letter. Edward follows Victoria to her rendevouz with Julian point. After a brief scuttle, both Victoria and Julian end up dead, and Edward plants the fake suicide letter on his brother.
It is at this point that the story of Victoria Page ends for Nicholas, as the hypnotherapist wakes him up, and breaks to him shocking news: Nicholas is Victoria Page. Reincarnated. With this news Nicholas leaves the hypnotherapist's office, and drives home where he settles down in his chair and puts on a record (which plays a chord progression used as a reoccuring theme throughout the album). The door creaks open behind him, a man sneaks in behind him and murders him.
Who was this man? The hypnotherapist. Why? The hypnotherapist was Edwards reincarnated.
Just the concept that the hypnotherapist was able to extract the story from just Nicholas' thoughts gives me the chills, even if its as fictional as ever. I'm also beginning to have the idea that perhaps the hypnotherapist attended hypnotic sessions as well, to learn about the part he played in the story. Generations upon generations collide.
If any of you guys are familiar with the story, feel free to correct me, because I'm not sure if I got it all right. The worst part is, that's only about half the story. I left out so many little details, because chances are they would seem completely irrelevant. The story is so immensely complex I can't even articulate it. Just get the CD...ask me to borrow it- I swear it will be worth your time, regardless of who you are...though it may take you a couple listens to really get into it.
Well I just listened to the whole album while writing this, now I'll listen to it again when I go to sleep.
As I have said once before, Carpe Diem. Seize the Day. This is naught but a step in our dance of eternity.
Oh, and Happy 4:20.