Underworld: Evolution

Jan 21, 2006 23:35

Uuuuuuuuuh, what can I say about the movie other than my expectations were met.

The sequel to the very popular sci-fi version of Romeo and Juliet had its fill of blood and gore, which is to be expected of a story that deals with the trials and tribulations of a pair of star-crossed lovers who are actually a werewolf-hybrid and a vampire. The fight sequences and f/x were great and the ending in the castle was quite entertaining. It even left a little window of hope to the fans of this story for a third installment.

What I was surprised by was the love making sequence between Seline and Michael, was it really necessary? No! What floored me was seeing Derek Jacobi (I,Claudius) and Bill Nighy (Girl in the Cafe) in this movie. It both stunned and irked me, kind of like Ben Kingsley in Bloodrayne.

To tell you the truth, the only thing we complained about was about the believability of Seline as a vampire. Vampires are dead and therefore cannot breathe, cry or make love.

Anyway, if you are wondering if it was worth ten dollars. It was. Is it worth purchasing the DVD in four months time, no. Just rent it and then watch it on HBO.


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