Battle of Good and Evil - Summary

Jun 04, 2002 20:08

(ooc reminder: this is a summary post - NOT the beginning of the detail post. That will be a separate post. Details will be posted here in a link once they are completed. If there is someone here who believes they should be or wants to be a part of this that is not listed, please email or IM me.)

::After recovering sufficiently to make the trip to face Legolas, Melodia stood facing her companions and began to lay out her battle plan. The wounded, Miss Lorie, a cook and a some of the supplies would remain here with a contingency of warriors, lead by Erelleth, to protect them. Anyone wounded in our upcoming battle among the army will be returned here for her care.

The remaining army travelled under the lead of Gelu, stopping near the castle and waiting to protect from outsiders.

Venturing inside the castle with Melodia (should they choose to) will be Boromir, Faramir, Eomer, Isildur, Bibi, Meidh and the three healers; Galen, Elrond and Glorfindel.

Once inside, Melodia prepared those who would do battle, while the healers prepared to keep them alive. The battle ensued with Melodia and her companions facing "Gotholas" and an unexpected foe alongside him. Fighting of both weapons and magics went on for quite a while, until both the foe and the evil of the ring were broken.

Legolas was returned to himself and no one died.

The one ring abandoned Legolas at the moment of his defeat. Without touching it, Melodia cast a spell using the last of her magic energy and cast it into a void far away from Middle Earth. ((Unknown to her, her magic failed and it did not go into the void. It landed, still in middle earth, hidden from plain view and awaiting it's next master.))

One of the first things Legolas asked for? A bath. ;-)

Ok...details to follow::
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