A David Spates pimppost

May 05, 2008 11:34

Ok so yaye! I'm not ranting this time and this post is for everyone! It's not fandom involved... XDD
Nope this post is about one of my favorite Youtubers David Spates OMG I love him to death. He is on so much crack XDDDDDD

I first saw him with his "Talking with David Spates" #4 on tthe whole issue of Dog calling his sons gf a... you know... and in case you don't if I say she's black you'll get it... even if you don't want to T_T So anyway. The whole way he presented it nearly killed me XDD but then I started reading the comments and the way he responsed to the commenters was AMAZING!

[moneymac101 (6 months ago)
I understand that but as far as im concerned you've done enough already in my view.Duane
Chapman was filled with anger and emotions so was Tucker and I blame Tucker for this because he sold Duane out and Tucker should know better. I used to have respect for Tucker but he's nothing to me.
davidspates (6 months ago)
And I'm sure that he will be deeply saddened when he reads this.]

[moneymac101 (6 months ago)
A phoney? You call a man who was a crinimal and then changed his life around and became the greatest bounty a phoney ? Im laughing of what you say because you are the real phoney. You have no idea what Duane had to go through in life dude and you are the one that makes me so sick to my stomach. Duane Chapman is a hero in my view.HOW DARE YOU DISRESPECT HIM!!!!!????

davidspates (6 months ago)
I'm..... sorry..... I didn't realize how much he meant to you. I'm going to call him right now and apologize for how I feel about him.]

Anyway after see that video I looked up his other stuff from him. He didn't have that many out at the time but I watched "Talking with Dave" #1-3

All of these videos are about stuff that was in the news.. odd stories or something. He'll sit on the toilet and just give some of the most hilarious commentary to the events.
Check out the video of this guy robbing a store... ("Talking with Dave#7) no the video isn't about the robber at all.. but about the dunce customer that stands by watching the whole thing like an idiot XDDDD

image Click to view

*dies all over again*

But then he also has a bunch of other clips he makes. My favorites include the character Chris the crackhead. Ok it sounds wrong but hey... you have to see it to understand XDDD

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Of course that was funny but not as funny as

image Click to view

I was crying watching this and laughing "why am I doin the riverdance?" "help" "wahhhhh T_T" XDDDDDDDD "I'm flying!"

still not as funny as

image Click to view

"*insert duke of hazard music*" "oh the humanity!!"

SERIOUSLY I love this dude's humor. You have to check him out.. if nothing else watch the last one you MUST that is one of the funniest things I've ever seen XDDDD

who's that?!, crack/humor, y/y?, lolz, random ftw?!

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