Aug 20, 2003 16:49
1. if you found out that your soul mate, or perfect guy was out there, and you had the chance to meet and fall hopelessly in love w/ him, but then you were told that he'll die 6 months after you meet, would you take the chance? why or why not?
Yes, because even if he is going to die...... I can live my life knowing that I've experienced LOVE.
2. if you found out there was no way you were getting into heaven, would you still be good? why or why not?
In my opinion , I don't do good things so I can be rewarded (heaven), I do good things because making others happy makes me happy, I try to live life without regret,and whether or not that make a good ot bad person so be it.
3. if you caught ur mom having sex with your dog would you confort her about it? why or why not? and if yes what would you say?
my mother would not do anything like that so I don't know what I would do.
4. what is your idea of the heavenly paradise?
contentment and happiness