Save Our Seeker

May 20, 2010 22:41

I made this entry to the Seeker Wall in order to do my part for the Save Our Seeker campaign. I didn't mean to make it into a miniature essay, but I couldn't help myself. This is dedicated to everyone involved in Legend of the Seeker, and that includes the fans.

(I apologize for the not-so-great picture quality.)
This is one of the simplest ways for me to contribute to the Save Our Seeker campaign, and I definitely want to help spread the word.

I'm not doing this because all of my friends are doing it.

I'm not doing this because I think Craig, Bridget, and Tab are hot even though they totally are.

I'm not even doing this because I'm bored.

Legend of the Seeker is a genuinely great show. Is it corny at times? Yeah, but as Kate Winslet's character, Iris, said in the movie The Holiday: "I'm looking for corny in my life." The plot is decent and keeps my attention. It's completely new from anything else that's ever been on television. I love the book series that it's based off of (The Sword of Truth), and rather than rampage over their differences, I embrace them. They each bring something to offer in their own ways.

I became a fan of the show in December of 2008, a month after it originally premiered. I had seen commercials and considered checking it out, but never took the time to. After a channel-flipping adventure, I ended up in the middle of one of the episodes and then decided that it was worth looking into. Lo and behold, I fell under its spell in short order. Not only was I flying through episodes faster than you can say Mother Confessor, but I ran out to Barnes&Noble to buy the entire Sword of Truth series within the week and I browsed the Internet to meet my fellow fans and see what they had to say. It went from an interest to an obsession in a matter of hours.

It's been a year and a half now, and I'm friends with fans from different parts of the world, thanks to The Confessor and the Seeker Society and Twitter. I own the season passes from iTunes for the first and second season of the show, as well as the first season DVD set. (You can bet your bottom dollar I'll be getting the second season DVD set, too.) I've made a few drawings around the characters and would like to continue doing so. (See drawing of R/K in image.) I'm on the sixth book of the SoT series and hope to get through at least two more before this coming summer ends.

I became a fan at a difficult time in my life. I needed something to care about that would take my attention away from other things, so LotS was exactly what I needed. It really changed my life and helped me out.

Speaking of which, the fandom is the best I've ever been a part of. Every person I've spoken with has been kind, honest, and open. Oh, and humorous. There is definitely some sarcasm and hilarity amongst the fans. *coughGayForKahlancough* The fandom gave me my best friend, and I wouldn't trade that for anything. I've loved being a part of it. If there is ever a Seeker Convention that travels around the nation/world, I will certainly try to go!

Plus, the cast and crew. While I have never met them personally (dear spirits, I would love to meet them), I have reason to believe that they're very sweet and talented people. Between the communication on Twitter (with Bridget Regan, Vanessa Cater, and a handful of others who work with the show), the interviews posted on YouTube, and the fan interactions posted on LiveJournal, I have never seen such kindness from a project like this before. It seems like the cast and crew get along very well off-set and honestly are passionate and proud of the work they're doing with LotS. As for You can tell that some of them are just phenomenal. Bridget was made to be Kahlan Amnell; she's gorgeous, she displays the conflict, elegance, and leadership of the Mother Confessor, and I get the feeling that she really understands the part she's playing. Craig is a sight for sore eyes, but he also embodies many of the important characteristics that make Richard who he is; the humbleness, emotion, and strength is plain to see. When Tabrett Bethell came on to the scene to play Cara, I was worried that she wouldn't be able to live up to the part as the books portrayed her. Thankfully, I had nothing to be worried about. She is delightful to watch in every episode. Oh, and they all kick ass - or, as Dayna would say, NALU. And Bruce Spence? He got quite the laugh out of me in the beginning with Clara the chicken. He suits the role of Zedd quite well, though I am curious if he's as hungry as his character is all the time. I could go on and on about the rest of the cast and crew. (I will give a quick shout-out to the crew, though. What they've done with the lights, props, stunts, editing, effects, etc. is fantastic!)

Needless to say, I strongly believe that Legend of the Seeker deserves another season, and I will follow it wherever it goes. I would love to see the adventures Richard, Kahlan, Cara, and Zedd have yet to take, and I know the writers and producers have more up their sleeves that they could work with. The show has taken me on an epic journey of my own, and I gladly support it to continue.

Save Our Seeker!

legend of the seeker, save our seeker

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