so there's this interesting thread over on glitter...

Sep 15, 2005 09:46

that contains a link to a list of crap one does/experiences when poor

*sigh* close to 85% of that list is my fucking childhood. have I ever mentioned that I'm CANADIAN? and up here in canada we have (from the sounds of things) far more safety nets for the poor than the united states YET I have experienced far too much of that fucking list that has had me in tears and flashbacks of my childhood. ummmm, yea. I have so many issues with money that I struggle with. I can't spend it...the only frivoulous (sp?) thing I generally buy is drive thru coffee....I break out in a cold sweat if the cash register rings up more than thirty bucks....groceries...then it can hit 80 bucks before I inwardly freak....gawd help me when we shop for big ticket items...I have to leave the store while my husband pays...and we have the money. we aren't rich by the standards of many, especially my husband...but to me...we bloody well are. we are healthy, no cc debt, minor loans and a small mortgage.
I could go on and on about my childhood....but I can't bear to today...all I know is that I will do anything to keep my kids from that shit. Its not even about the attitudes of others towards the poor...fuck that...its about there never being enough and to this day I still feel like there's never enough, even though there is more than enough. Perhaps this is why I am so obsessed with food? I'm sure it is.
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