Bummer, but still fun

May 17, 2006 23:29

So I found out today that Chris isn't coming to GA to see Janelle and me. Thus, Serina is going to take the bus up here and have Anna pick her up on Wed. I'm a little bummed that Chris isn't comming, but I kind of figured he wouldn't and all. When they don't return phone calls, work 24/7, you kind of know the truth in the back of your mind. Still... I had hope.

BUT, Serina is still coming ^_^ So we'll have lots of fun nonetheless. At least I'll be able to sleep in my own bed, lol. No problem when there's no male in the bed.

I had today off, but I'm hoping to get on the registar again tomorrow. I was on the registar for a hour or two on Sunday and did very well (time was about 63!), but I missed 31 dollars worth of coupons. I didn't forget to ask the member for them, I just hit the total button before remembering to scan the coupons. For now on, I won't hit the total button until after the coupons are scanned. I also hit the cash button instead of the check button, grrr. Stupid keys that start with the letter C, who cares if there is a blue button to separate them! lol, Still, I think Rolando was impressed at how fast I have learned. I just have a few things I'm a little slow at, otherwise, I'm improving every time.

I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow. I've been having trouble when using the restroom. Nasty, I know, but its too painful... and it shouldn't be after four months of child birth. Thus, I made the appointment on Monday. Its going to be painful enough just to see what the problem is. Bend over, now I'm going to open your but hole as wide as a whale, just fght through the pain... right...

Anyway, Janelle is back in bed again. She woke up, so I fed her a little more as a top off to last her through the night and she fell back asleep again. Yay! I have to go to bed in 30 minutes to make sure I get up in time for the appointment. I also want to take a quick shower in the morning to make sure I'm all clean in... umm... places. Speaking of showers, gotta go take my enjoyment shower now before it gets too late.

§ Melly §
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