I still owe you guys some pics, but it'll have to wait. I've got work to do and want to share.

Aug 27, 2013 17:48

I just want to take this moment to say that I've scored one of only 35 booths at Jonah's school fair at the end of September and I'm wickedly happy about that. I'm wickedly happy because last year, a kind of snooty lady gave me a sort of flippant response when I tried to sign up. She asked what I did and I said that I made jewelry and she said, in this dismissive tone as she crinkled her nose as though she smelled something foul, "oh, well, you can fill this out, but we already have a lot of jewelry." I had already talked to a lady who was on the PTO because she happened to be the personal trainer I saw at the Y for an evaluation and she had told me it seemed like it was kind of who you knew, whether you'd get called.

This year, it's a different lady handling it and it was first come, first served. I had emailed her right away yesterday, since the info came in on Friday of who to contact. So she was already aware of me and what I did when I went in this morning first thing to sign up. I got the confirmation this afternoon that we're in. And by we, I mean, I'm sharing a table with Johnny so he can sell his herbal tea blends and maybe some meditation CDs. I think our wares will blend pretty nicely.

There's another one I'm going to apply for at the end of October out at the Wilson County Fairgrounds. It looks like a huge event and now that we have a pop-up canopy, I can go for a 12x12 outdoor spot. And I plan to split that with Johnny, too. That one I'd like to kind of set up like a total bazaar. I've got a newfound local friend who makes clothes who could maybe come in and fill out the space with yet another facet, if she's interested. People would feel like they're browsing a real deal boutique. But first things first...

At the school fair, I'll be debuting my costuming venture: Mel's Belles Costumes. I'm still working on getting domains and things set up for that so that I can put out a couple of examples with a small banner and a stack of business cards for people to contact me for their kids' Halloween costume needs. I figure if I don't feel like I can handle the scope of what they want or won't have time, I can turn down the job. But if I put it out there so people know there's someone in the area who dabbles in this stuff, I can pick up some extra work as I'm able. I plan to have all our family costumes done before Oct. 1st, since we're headed to Disney on the 7th and will be wearing them to Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party on the 10th. That leaves all of October for me to take on little things, like what I'm doing for mine and Jonah's costumes (which is to buy a store bought base and make it awesome with handmade accessories and details). I did that Katniss Arena costume last year for my neighbor with minimal work, as well. I can do stuff like this on commission. I can even use our finished costumes as display examples at the booth. The October one will obviously be too late, but I might just take cards anytime I'm doing a jewelry show, just to put a bug in people's ears for next year. I don't think there's a huge market, but there might be enough to keep me busy and you just never know. At this point, I want to monetize on any of my marketable skills. Repeat after me: I will not work a desk job. I will not work a desk job. I will not work a desk job.

By the way, this officially marks the death of Silver Screen Accessories, not that anyone would notice as I never really did anything with that anyway. I don't feel like that name ever really conveyed what I wanted to do with it. That might explain a little of the neglect (but for my jewelry business, which does exactly convey what I want and is yet still often neglected). My domain for SSA expired today and I'm just letting it die. I've already decommissioned all the email addresses and social networking accounts associated with it (I think). So, in its place will rise Mel's Belles. I like it. It's got that "sweet girl... but damn" appeal. Or at least with the proper treatment it will. I just registered the domains, but they don't even point to anything yet. I've got a blog up with one entry and a Google+ profile and a Twitter account, but I still have a lot of work to do to establish something useful/informational and at the same time, I need to re-evaluate and perhaps update the Gaia's Jewel stuff, too.

But before I do anything, I'm going to make those earrings I keep promising Doug and Abby and forgetting about!

Lots to do. And that feels really good.

costuming, jewelry work, mel's belles costumes, gaia's jewel

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