Lady Wolverine progress and Celeborn breathing down my neck.

Sep 28, 2012 10:06

So, I got my jacket in and I was so very mistaken about how crappy the polyurethane faux leather would be. This stuff feels every bit as real as a nice, buttery soft garment weight leather. It's a matte finish, not the super shiny pleather looking thing in the pictures of the listing. The only thing is, I'm not wild about the fit. I wanted something with a nice taper in the torso, not something that was tailored for a Lego person. So, I'm going put a curve in the strait as nails side seams to make it look less boxy on me. Also, I guess they assume that someone with as broad of a chest measurement as I have also has huge boobs.

Yesterday, I did another hair test and I'm getting closer to what I want to do. It's odd how elven it looks at times though. It's the strands I pull down in front of my ears to simulate the sideburns, I think that does it.

Still waiting for the buckle to see if I can rig it to work with the belt I have. I'm kind of out of costuming budget right now and in general, we're on a frivolous spending hold because we've had a lot of expenses hit lately but didn't adjust our spending accordingly. Christmas is coming and we should be putting back for that. Hence the addition of new items to my Etsy store.

It's 28 days from GMX. I've got to sit down and make a list of all the things I need to do to get my costumes ready to go again by then. Including making new armor for Elseworld Batgirl and altering her catsuit. If I started working right now, I could probably have Celeborn done, too. I feel like he's been a monkey on my back the past few days, looking over my shoulder, making me feel guilty when I'm looking at reference photos for Tauriel. He's feeling a bit neglected and needy these days.

Celeborn: *psst*
Me: What?
Celeborn: *psst*
Me: WHAT?!
Celeborn: Oh, nothing. Just seeing what you were doing. So... *looks at feet* what are you doing?
Me: Not you, that's what I'm doing.
Celeborn: That's cool. Y'know, whatever. This collar's not so bad I guess and I don't mind looking like an elven potato sack. It's cool. And it's really cool that I don't have sleeves. I mean, it's like way hotter around here than in Lothlorien. Yeah, I'm comfortable with how I look.
Me: If you can't love yourself...
Me: *stares*
Celeborn: I'm sorry. That was rude of me. But, it's only fair, really. I mean, you're all complaining about how you can't go to the leather store for this Lady Badger or whatever it is.
Me: Wolverine.
Celeborn: Right. But as I was saying, you've already spent all the money you should need to spend on me. You've got everything in hand, you just have to do the work.
Me: Right. The work. I fucking hate the work. I just want to internet forever.
Celeborn: This is what's wrong with mortals today.
Me: Yep.
Celeborn: So what, I get to hang in your closet, a gimpy mockup for an indefinite amount of time, watching every event date zoom up on you as you decide to write me off again? I get to sit here while all your other half baked creations get to go off an play for the millionth time. Don't you think people want to see something different? I mean, I'm a dude! That's like totally different...
Me: ... from dressing as your granddaughter?
Celeborn: Yeah. Let's not discuss that right now. That's not really the issue at hand.
Me: But if I don't finish you it won't be an issue at all.
Celeborn: Oh, fuck you! You've already spent all this money and invested time into experimenting with new techniques and... just fuck you.
Me: Look! I'll fucking finish you. Don't be an asshole. You sound like Kate. Wait, did Kate put you up to this? It's because of that accidental Martin Csokas movie marathon she had that day, isn't it!?
Celeborn: Maybe.
Me: *sigh*
Celeborn: At least she understands the needs of an elf lord!
Me: Fine. Go bug Kate.
Celeborn: I'll be good.
Me: *sigh*

That really just happened in my head. He's got a point, but I won't be bullied by muslin.

lady wolverine, costuming, conversations with costume personalities, gmx, celeborn, costuming 365 project, elseworld batgirl

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