A new day rises.

Sep 13, 2011 11:26

We talked a lot last night and things are better. I actually got a lot of help when he came home which I really appreciated. It's left me with the entire day today to sew, save for sweeping up a bit of construction debris and doing a load of laundry or two. After responding to the much appreciated comments on yesterday's post and reading over the post itself again, I've decided I need to make a list of things for which I'm grateful. UNIVERSE, DO NOT JINX ANY OF THESE THINGS, KTHXBAI!

1) Jonah is doing awesome with the potty. At last! He hasn't had an accident during the day in... well, I can't really remember, it's been several weeks. A couple of months ago, he told me not to buy anymore pull-ups. So we've been putting him to bed in underwear and I wake him up at about 10pm or so to go potty. Most nights, he stays dry. But there are some nights (like last night) where he wakes up wet both times. But really those are maybe once every two weeks now. The next step is for him to get up on his own, but since I'm not waking in the middle of the night to get him up, it's not like this is overly taxing on me and I can be patient with him. He's gotten easier to wake up, which is good.

2) Arwen Angel is really turning out fantastic! And I don't necessarily mean as a whole. Truthfully, it's her most lackluster dress, I think. But I found the fabrics way back when finding accurate fabrics was a really big deal to me and had decided to do the dress. I've never been overly enthusiastic about it though and it's been tough to find the motivation. But individual things like the ease of putting in zippers and the edge and seam finishes I'm doing which I'm really happy with and how nicely the sleeves went in on the undergown (though I know the overgown is not going to be as forgiving with that stretch knit). All those small victories in the long line of my sewing failures add up to make me very happy with how smoothly it's going. I've barely had to employ my seam ripper lately and that's a big milestone for me as a seamstress.

3) Bitterness and annoyances aside, I'm really lucky to have Chris. He's very tender when he wants to be and when he really knows I'm at my wits end, he does what he can to bring me back from the edge.

4) The weather has been gorgeous lately! I almost sat outside last week to do some handsewing. The only downside is that because we're trying to acclimate flooring, we can't open windows. We've got to keep a fairly constant relative humidity until (and even after) the new floors are installed. I really wish I could get out and do a bunch of gardening right now, but that work will still be here after ALEP and the weather will likely be even better.

5) Reading lessons with Jonah are awesome. We're still just working on letter sounds and practicing writing two letters each lesson. But he's responding very well and even I get excited when he surprises me by how quick he gets it. He's always been very verbal, so I think he will do very well with it.

6) Jonah's stories. He was telling me this morning about these two people he "knows" who live in someone's brain and eat alien fingers (presumably like chicken fingers, but, you know, made of aliens).

7) My friends. You are all so absolutely, positively awesome and I feel so very lucky to have you all in my life! I really, really mean that. I do not show my appreciation enough, but just know that whether you comment or not, I appreciate that you are there. *hugs*

8) On September 28th, life will slow down and I'll be able to breathe again. Everything after October 2nd should be cake. We might still have some work left on the floors when I get back from ALEP (maybe, we'll see). But there will be no more rushing to get anything done. That includes holidays! They will NOT be hectic this year. I won't allow it.

I could probably go on, but that's enough to make me smile for now, so I'll stop there. Despite all of the downtrodden feelings of dealing with life, there's a lot for me to be grateful for as well.


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