I'm thoroughly enjoying this project now that I've gotten into it. Expanded pvc (sintra) is a DREAM to work with! I love it! I might remake my Batgirl armor out of it. I've got a rather large sheet. Plenty of room to play. I started thinking last night of all the other LOTR jewelry I could make with it. Galadriel's brooch, Arwen's Requiem
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I highly recommend this stuff. Couldn't be easier to work with and only $8 or so +S&H for a 24"x48" sheet!
O RLY?! how hard is it? would one need to have power tools to work with it? I may want some, where did you find it? (online I assume as you mentioned S&H)
I think you could totally cut it and even sand it by hand. If you were doing something not so intricate, like armor, you could probably even use tin snips or something. I have no idea how the other thicknesses would be, but I was even able to cut out a section with heavy scissors to lay out my pieces on (since a 2'x4' sheet would be a little unwieldy to work with).
You can get it in various thicknesses and even some different colors. This is the thinnest (.040") that usplastic.com sells. Here's the link to their whole range of the stuff.
Conversely, I ordered the wrong stuff first (standard pvc in 1/8" thickness) and it is more like a white board surface. Very smooth and shiny and extremely rigid. Would definitely need a sturdy heat gun to shape it and possibly a good scroll saw for cutting.
the biggest problem working with that stuff is that the plastic melts as you cut it.
I didn't mount the dremel, it was freehand (and messy), though I was able to get into a groove sometimes and move the piece more than the tool. I had a scrap of mdf under it that I didn't mind getting carved up a bit.
I think the melting issue is what gave me such messy edges. Instead of just falling away, those pieces got a little gummy and stuck together. Oddly enough, the negative edges were cleaner for some reason. You can sort of see that on the shot of me holding the dremel. Don't know if that had to do with how I was holding the tool or what.
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