Writing: To whom it may concern. . .

Jan 14, 2010 16:06

. . . and to those I've been neglecting, I've been writing this week and it's going swimmingly! At times, it almost feels like it's out of my hands. My characters are kind of saying, "uhm, about what you had in mind, yeah, that's not going to work for us" and doing their own thing. It's Weird.

Writing rambling. )

depression, writing, winter sucks, novel

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mellymell January 18 2010, 17:20:32 UTC
As much as I hate to start yet another journal, I've reserved a name so I can start putting things there as I'm ready. For now, I think I'll keep writing about writing here, but I'll probably put chapters and notes over there.

I agree that not finishing would be the biggest disservice to what I've managed to put together so far. I mean, I really love my characters and they're doing some great stuff. I'd hate to let some of the hard stuff get in the way of it coming around to a finished product. I know I'm going to have trouble getting through certain parts. I can already see that (the war chapters in particular are going to be challenging to write). I can't let those stop me though. There are options to get around those things, but I think that's lazy writing. It's what I hate about some of the novels I've read that I've not enjoyed (*cough*Twilight*cough*). ;)

I can also see where I could get very bogged down in editing. I love that part too, and I'm just going to have to slog through the draft until the end and then have my bliss.

I like what Eric said. There are indeed sections where the notes are just questions that I know I need to answer at some point.

Another thing I find fascinating is how many people I suddenly know who are either writing epic fanfic or their first novels. They're all people I've known in other capacities, but they're now becoming "writing friends". :)



belluthien January 18 2010, 19:23:02 UTC
I don't really like having three journals, but each has its purpose. The writer's journal is public, set up to remain so as my author blog...

I also write about writing in my flocked journal, but I've started shifting most of that stuff to the writer's journal, now that I have it, and because I think for the most part my flist isn't really to interested in my writing process. (I may be wrong, but I don't know...)

I know I'm going to have trouble getting through certain parts. I can already see that (the war chapters in particular are going to be challenging to write). I can't let those stop me though.

I knew that, too. I had quite a number of these. Each and every time I've gotten through it, and been very happy with the results. You can do it! And you won't be stopped.

I also thought about the options of getting around certain things, but figured it was a cop out, and I had to hit the issue head on, or I'd be cheating myself, my characters and the readers... (cough *Twilight* cough) Yes.

It's been interesting seeing some of my friends get involved in this. I don't know why it happened like that. Maybe we fuel each other on.

And I think "writing friends" are very special, actually. I cherish them...


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