The plague has been contained.

Feb 04, 2009 13:28

Well, after two days of this with only slight signs of improvements, I decided to call the doctor first thing this morning. I'd feel silly taking him in for a cold, but he's never kept a fever for more than 24 hours and that concerned me. So I took him in, shared all my observations, including a couple of times that he pointed to his ears and said "hurt" and the new molars I noticed coming in late last week as we were doing a routine teeth brushing. New teeth, especially molars, can cause cold-like symptoms, including fever. But he's never had teething related fever/sickness last more than a day or so.

They fit him in at 10am. I must say, I'm pretty proud of the fact that he's 26 months old (today, actually) and this is his first sick visit to the doctor. Anyway, once she looked in his ears she immediately said, "yep, I'm glad you brought him in." He has ear infections in both ears. The right one is worse than the left. The left one is just starting, with a minor amount of fluid and some redness and swelling, she said. The right one is much worse apparently. At his 2 year check-up, his regular doctor noticed some extra fluid on his ears, but he had been having kind of a chronic runny nose. She made note of it, but said that when you're congested like that, you can carry fluid on your ears for quite a while without it ever turning into an infection. She mentioned maybe seeing him again when the weather turned warm when he'd likely have the congestion clear up to make sure the fluid in the ears did as well. So I guess it decided to turn into an infection after all. So, it's 10 days of amoxicillin, 2 7mL doses a day and tylenol as needed to bring down fevers and relieve pain. We go back for a follow up in two weeks and I'm to call them if I notice any reactions to the medication (since he's never taken an antibiotic before) or if I notice it doesn't seem to be working after about 3 days.

It was convenient that the appointment was over right at about lunch time and I was two blocks from Chris' office. I called him up and we went to The Dog in Hillsboro Village, at Jonah's request. He hasn't been wanting to eat lately and since I needed to kill about an hour before picking up his prescription, I asked him what he wanted to eat and he said "hot dog". When a kid that has barely been eating requests something specifically, you give it to him! Of course, it was a little bit confusing, because then he started talking about chicken, so I had to get him to choose between McDougal's or The Dog. Chris was the tie breaker, thinking he'd be more likely to eat a hot dog than chicken fingers. He ate a couple of bites, but we should have gotten him fries. He'll eat fries no matter whats wrong with him!

We had to make our monthly trip to Costco, which was also where I had them send the prescription. But when we were about a mile or two away from home, I noticed him start to nod off in the back seat. I kept him awake, just barely long enough to get him in the house, in bed, get his shoes and jacket off and get him to take a dose of the medicine before he passed out. He was more than willing, that's for sure. Now I'm feeling the urge, but there's too much for me to do to take a nap today.

jonah, sick

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