A Christmas commentary, part 4

Jan 04, 2009 12:30

Christmas Day, Chris and I had left Jonah's door cracked when we put him to bed the night before. We thought he'd get up and come downstairs to see his big surprise from Santa: his shiny new tricycle. He was too groggy from the late night the night before though and wound up wandering into our room instead. Chris tried to guide him downstairs, but he just wearily made his way down. I'm not sure he fully understood what was going on, but before long, I heard the ring of the bell on the handle bars and made my way downstairs as well.

My in-laws came up about mid-morning and helped us by occupying Jonah while we finished cleaning up and got the cooking done. My mother-in-law had me unwrap the steam mop so she could try it on our laminate floors and the hardwood foyer. Chris did most of the cooking, I merely gave him instruction when needed and took care of getting the pumpkin rolls together so they could rise (which they didn't do very well).

My brother-in-law showed up in the afternoon with his girlfriend, Leslie. As soon as Jonah woke up from his nap, we all opened gifts while the our meal finished cooking. My brother-in-law just closed on a house the weekend before Christmas, so it was easy to shop for him this year and probably will be for the next couple of years at least, as long as we keep up with what projects he's doing and what he might need for them. His girlfriend on the other hand, we had only met once before and that was at Jonah's birthday, so we didn't really get a good chance to talk to her. We had a lovely day of sitting and chatting and eating and I think watched a couple of movies later in the evening.

Chris' parents were staying through the weekend to help Doug (brother, not baka_san) move and get some cleaning done in his new house while he wrapped up things in the old apartment (which Leslie is moving into). Friday, we didn't do much of anything. Again, I think we watched a couple of movies. Chris' parents went over to Doug's house to do what they could and also to help him shop for a refrigerator. Chris and I got a couple of breaks with a quiet house before we had to get ready to go to Indiana on Saturday. We ate dinner at Sportsman's Grill in Belle Meade on Friday night despite the fact that we had a fridge full of leftovers. My in-laws love that place and it's hard to convince them to go somewhere new when they're up here.


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