Jul 12, 2008 19:15
We left nebraska today. Six hours later we were out of nebraska. We stopped on the outskirts of Cheyenne. We paid 60 bucks for a motel room where the lady messed up the credit card transaction and didn't have change. Amanda got pretty annoyed and then i thought about it and I got a annoyed too. When we finally got to our rooms Amanda took the bed I wanted so I was also annoyed with her too. I had all my stuff there and she just kept putting her stuff on the bed. It was such a passive aggressive bullshit move that I kicked myself for not thinking of it earlier. After pointing out how passive agressive she was I went to get some food. I bought pringles while I waited for my food. That's how hungry I was. When I got back to the room my bed was in the direct light and the whole room was muggy from Amanda's shower. I tried to open a beer but I didn't have an opener and I couldn't find a counter with a straight edge, except this little ledge and i tried and tried and almost got it and impulsively decided to use my teeth. I can't even tell you what a bad idea this is. i've yelled at people who've done this. And that's what Amanda did. Except she didn't yell. She used a patronizing voice which was almost as bad. So I handed it to her and sat down pretending to read. I felt like i was going to cry. I felt so pathetic being grouchy and practically pacing because I couldn't get my beer opened. Who does that? And then I ate some of my pizza and felt a little better even though it was one of the most tasteless things I've ever eaten. I'm serious. At first i thought i just wasn't paying attention but then I smelled it, chewed slowly, and nothing. Zilch. It doesn't taste like anything. It has all the right texture though, so I asked my imagination to please kick in but it was pretty busy pretending the tv was interesting and that I didn't really want that silly ole beer anyway.
I remembered though that we have a wine/bottle opener in the car for daily bottle of wine. After I got that and opened my beer Amand went to go get herself some food. Last night was the first night we haven't slept together. We slept in Jen and Paul's RV and had so many bed choices it was almost dizzying. After so much space in Spencer to roam around in, I think spending mutliple hours in the car together is somewhat of a transition. Just having the door close behind her calmed my nerves. I don't think it's necessarily about Amanda as much as it's just the fact that breathing the same air and having each other's brain waves constantly bouncing off each other affects a person. And as a somewhat claustrophobic person, it can sometimes make me want to swing a ten foot pole around in a circle and yell, "THIS IS HOW MUCH SPACE I NEED!" But you know, don't leave.
Now that I'm finally on my way I don't really want to stop. I just keep thinking of my boyfriend Shaughn and how happy we will be to see each other, bounding into each other's embrace like a Disney movie. It sucks dating people long distance. It's just hard missing someone so much and maintaining a connection. It would be easier to not care as much, to let some of the affection calm down, but then I lose Shaughn. So I have to just stay in the difficulty.
Also, I'm unsure why NPR thinks it's acceptable to just play irish music instead of having interesting news programs about things like The Gays, floods, and tame explanations of how hip hop is transforming Arkansas. I don't come this close to donating, for them to play scottish ballards back to back with irish ballads and then ask if I could tell the difference.
Well my battery is about to die and since the only outlet is next to the ceiling clear across the room I'm just going to close this whinefest.