The first one is always the hardest

Mar 06, 2007 21:34

So I'm writing this entry to get my old man off my back ;-P Cam has been harassing me to do live journal because he loves it so much, so I guess I'll give it a try.

Stress, that's all I can write about. I am trying to finish my thesis and the process is coming to end in a less than graceful manner. Everyday I encounter new challenges and just when I think I'm almost done I discover a new problem or hear from Rob and discover that no,no, no I am so not done. I guess I only have 2 1/2 more weeks, sigh then I'll have a life again.

Today I was reading VI laws on venerial diseases. I'm not sure if this law is still valid, but as late as 1994 it was legal to put a placard on someons house that said they had a venerial disease. It's also VI law that if someone has a VD and refuses treatment they can be put in jail. Kind of crazy huh?

I guess that's all for now.
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