(no subject)

Oct 10, 2004 21:11

I've noticed a significant lack of journal updates by my friends of late ... don't tell me you have all gone and got yourselves lives and are too busy to to post on here? You know that all enjoyment in my life comes from living vicariously through each of you, so if you are going to go and get exciting lives, at least write about it!

My last couple of days have actually been busy. Thursday night I saw Jebediah & Grinspoon which was a really good show. The venue was great, fairly intimate and only a smallish crowd with a lower level in front of the stage for those boys who wanted to push and jostle and an upper level in line with the stage for the more sedate, which is where I spent the night. I hadn't seen Grinspoon before other than at festivals but they put in a good show and played lots of old stuff. Phil the lead singer is a bit of a tripper, so he was entertaining just by himself.

Friday night I managed to get tickets to see We Will Rock You. Although the first 15 minutes or so were completely confusing and had me wondering what I was about to sit through for the next 2 hours, it actually improved and was one of the better musicals I've seen lately. They integrated a lot of multimedia into the production which was unusual, and we found out later on that the band members from Queen and the creator, Ben Elton were actually in the audience. Not that I saw them. Not that I would know what they looked like even if I did see them. So I guess it isnt that exciting is it?

Yesterday I went into work for a few hours to help out with the Australian Open tennis on sale. I moonlighted for a few hours in the call centre answering calls, which took me back to the good old days when I first started with Ticketek 4 years ago. It also reminded me why I am so pleased that I no longer have to work directly with the general public on a day to day basis!

I also spent some time house hunting yesterday, only to have Steve tell me that he really can't afford to move house as his job is currently up in the air. Now, his argument is completely fair and I can't find any fault in it, I just wish he'd told me this 3 weeks ago before I started looking at places!! I've seen the other side now ... places with stainless steel appliances, dishwashers, pools! Hey, some places even had laundries and a proper lounge room AND kitchen! It is so much harder to remain content in your current situation when you've been exposed to a better life. So, it looks like we are staying here for a while. We'll tell the agent that we'll pay the extra rent if the owner takes it off the market, and we can reassess the situation once Steve finds out if he has a job. And i'll just have to try and work through the grieving process for the life full of shiny surfaces and mod-cons which I almost had.

In between all this I've been getting sick again. I've developed a nasty cough and cold and went to the doctors today to try and get something before it got much worse. Unfortunately I think the doctor I saw got the memo about not handing out antibiotics as it reduces the usefulness of them blahblah and told me that he could not offer me anything to take, but would give me a medical certificate for 3 days off work! Pfft, I don't want days off work, I just want drugs damn it! So i spent $27.00 at the chemist getting neurofen, cough tablets, anything I could get my hands on. I think that maybe I am paying for the sick day I had on Thursday when I wasn't really all that sick. Bloody Karma!
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