I have decided that the week after my birthday (because I'm sure I'm going to eat like crap since only once a year do you get to eat the yummy stuff you normally don't eat) I am going be a vegetarian for one month. I was going to go vegan... but then I thought about all the protein I'd need from somewhere and since I didn't want to deal with finding substitutions like soy and beans, etc, I'm going to go with dairy which is not vegan. This should be quite interesting and I'm so excited to try it!
- My face is pissing me off, its like an acne bomb exploded... its somewhat slowed down due to my nightly face regimes but not good enough. I'm completely convince that this is directly related to my diet.
- I'm sure moving back home and having little control of how my food is prepared because I'm not cooking as much that I'm putting in more crap than nutrient into my body...therefore it needs to be CLEANED and RINSED!
- It simply will free great! I've had very controlled diets before and when you eat well, you just feel well.
This has nothing to do with losing weight or anything. I just want to clean my inner system and ultimately feel more energized. Plus this will give me a great opportunity to come up with some interesting meals. Not to mention when I refuse my mom's cooking (which can sometimes be WAY too oily) I'll have a good reason. This new plan will include if possible as much raw veggies and fruits as possible. Absolutely no sweets or desserts (been doing that for a while except I've gotten laxed about it lately). The only sweets I'll have will come from my fruits, yogurts, or natural sweetners like honey. Low in fats, so only dairy and naturally fatty foods like avocados and nuts. Whole wheat/grains and fiber so I'm not starving. Of course to be healthy and feeling great I'd need to follow a consistent workout plan as well. This all sounds fantastic in words but I know its going to be hell when I get tempted with delicious smelling foods (especially when I'm hungry) or days when I just flat out feel too lazy to move...no excuses. My motivation will be "ONE MONTH" and have a countdown going so when I'm tempted to stray away from the plan, I'll think "only___ more days, don't cheat!"