Jan 03, 2005 17:32
perfect guy thing:
O1. hair color _ brown or blonde
O2. eye color _ green/brown/blue
O3. height _ taller than me
O4. six pack _ alwayz nice
O5. long or short hair _ whateveR looks good =)
O6. glasses _ un dorkish ones
O7. piercings _ ears...tongue & eyebrow's hott on some guys?
O8. scars _ stOries=)
O9. eyebrows _ uni brows..nO no
1O. big or little but _ doesn't matter, but..no kadonkadonks hahahh
11. chest hair _ yuck
12. buff or skinny _ buff
13. straight teeth or gapped _ str8
14. funny or serious _ funny. alwayz =) [serious when it's serious time tho]
15. party or stay at home _ both. home & movies are awesome.. so's partying
16. should he cook or bake _ haha, if he kan?
17. should he have a best friend _ yesss? duh.
18. should he have a lot of girl friends _ uhhhM? friends that are girls are str8...not girlfriendsss..
19. outgoing or shy _ outgoingg
2O. sarcastic or sincere _ both.. im sarcastic so thats cool... but sincere when it's time =)
21. should he love his mother _ of cOuRse
22. should he watch chick flicks _ if i wanna..then yeah [[or @ least PrEtEnD like he wants to]]
23. would he be a smoker _ it doesn't matter.. but no bad breathe & yellow teeth =( bLah.
24. would he drink _ hah..of couRse..O:)
25. would he swear _ i don't care
26. would he play with your hair _ love it...
27. one or more girls at a time _ heckkkk no.
28. would he pay for dates _ if i didn't have any money haha..
29. does he kiss on the first date _ notta must.. it's CuTe thoUgh
3O. where would you go to dinner _ idk.. no where super fancy though.. somewhere where we could have fun & laugh & no worries
31. would he bring you flowers _ uhhmm.. prolly not. but like, valentines day or my birthday? sweeeet =)
32. would he lay under the stars with you _ that would be *aMaZiNgG*
33. would he write poetry about you _ no, i get weirded out..
34. would he call you hunny, sweetie, or baby _ sure if he wants to~
35. would he hang out with you and YOUR friends _ if i wanted to..
36. would you hang out with him and HIS friends _ yeah haha, alwayz fun=)
37. will he walk you to the door at the end of a date _ it doesn't matter..as long as it's sweet~
38. holding hands _ yesss O:)
39. soccer _ eh.. idk
4O. baseball _ haha.. hot pants.
41. basketball _ its cool
42. football _ ek hott
43. water polo _ no
44. surf _ that's hottttttt
45. skateboard _ if i like em
46. snowboard _ surrre
47. sing _ long as its not queermo singing
48. play guitar _ awww..
49. play piano _ awe...
5O. play drums _ awesome,
51. clean his room _ as long as its not too messy i dont really care.. its kinda cute to go over and have all of his stuff like...all over the place
52. paint, draw, sculpt _ hahah, drawings neat.
53. writes his own music _ eh, doesn't matter
54. use the word dude _ haha yeah
55. use the word tight _ not too much
56. would he watch the sun rise with you _ aw.. cute.. if we were both awake ha
57. what kind of car does he drive _ anything butta piece of sh!t.
58. how old is he _ older than me
59. can he speak another language _ doesn't matteR
6O. what would his name be _ uhm? whatever his name is.