More kid quotes! I get my head cut off & talk about Beyonce's panther

Apr 06, 2014 13:53

Child 1: I'm fat. Oink oink.

(I say child is silly.) I'm not silly, I'm (Says her name)
(I say child is maybe sick) I'm not sick, I'm (Says her name)
(I say child is late) I'm not late, I'm (Says her name. You get the idea…)

Child 2: Turkeys can mess me up really bad. I have to stay away. They say gobble gobble and make me wanna dance too much.

(After winning a game of go fish) I'm a little bit better than you.

(Child is walking with his eyes closed and seems to be praying. I ask what he's praying about.) Dale Earnhart. He did in 2001. (He's a Nascar race car driver if you didn't know)

Child 3: Can we cut your head off? (She meant to say "its" but she mixes up her pronouns)

It's not an animal, it's a chicken. I don't like chickens! I like princesses.

After this, I gonna be a teenager.

Child 4: I have one of those…. but not right now.

Yay! You're a good gluer

Why do sick people matter anyway? (I'd asked her about what it was like when she was sick recently.)

Do cats and dogs have muscles?

I can even laugh so hard like all night.

Child 5: I seen a skydiver. He was a chicken up there.

If they have eyes, that means they're little people. (I have no idea what he was getting at because we were looking at beans.)

That's not ice cream, that's nice.

If you're dead, get up.

(What's your favorite animal?) Lobsters. (nods)

(I am prompting him to reciprocate social interactions. I said, "You can say, 'How are you, Ms. Melluransa?' ") No, I don't say that word.

Oooooooh I needa go potty. (Walks away bowlegged) I'm very scared.

Do you have parents?

Who's your favorite guy? (I must've looked confused because he clarified.) Disney guy.

A shark bit my leg off when I was sixteen. (The child is 6)

Child 6: Don't pick your friend's nose! (This was funny because this child repeats what he hears…he must have heard his teacher tell Child 6 off, or heard his teacher tell another kid off.)

Child 7: Dogs lick you. That's called kissing.

When my mom had a ship, we went in a whirlpool and there were dinosaurs and they ate us.

Child 8: Beyonce got a panther. But who's Beyonce?

(While walking past kids in the hallway, child yells the following) These kids gonna make me throw up!

Child 9: Mr. God was building a snowman.

(Child stands abruptly. "Where are you going?" I ask.) (High pitched voice and accompanying wiggly dance) The bathroom!!

Child 10: I know how to make tacos! (I ask how) Fresh air.

You have to have gloves because you are at a party and your hands are cold and you need to breathe underwater. (He was drawing a stick figure that was supposed to be me, idk)

Child 11: He is night sleeping.

Child 12: (I ask, "What's something that you love, that makes you smile?") I heart turkey.

Child 13: (I ask, "What do we do with crayons?") Color your body hair!

(I drew a stick figure of myself.) ….Where yo boobs at?? (…I just ignored that question)

I bit her booty off!

Do you have a boyfriend?

Child 14: (he signed his name like the following: M♥elluransa with a hard randomly in there. idek)

Child 15: (while solving a "missing number sequence" problem, ex. 1 _ 3 4 _ 6 7…etc) I am doing it... in my mind!

(while struggling with a math problem) I forgot it... in my mind!

Child 16: My mommy threw me in the garbage.

Child 17: (Child hides a heart. I ask where it is) In my butt!

I sexy! (I ask why) Because.

Child 18: Does your boyfriend have a red four wheeler? (I answer no.) He's not a real boyfriend then.

Child 19: (I ask, "What do cops do?") They arrest people who are in trouble.

quote, 2014, children, work, funny

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