Oy vey. I answered the first 6 so far.
Question 01: Your current relationship
I'm with my boyfriend of very nearly a year, and we're moved into an apartment together. We get along on most all things! He makes me happy, and I make him happy, so we're pretty happy together!
Question 02: Where you'd like to be in 10 years
I'd like to have a Ph.D and be teaching at a university. Oh my, it'll be a tough climb to get to that point! I'm not sure I'd want children yet.
Question 03: Discuss your views on drugs and alcohol
Everything in moderation. If it interferes with your life functioning, life, health, emotions, and/or relationships with others, it needs to go. Self-control is so important, otherwise your life falls apart. And with drug abuse and the nature of addition, self-control is hard. Also, it depends on the drug. I guess I view it as dangerous to get involved in. I value my self-control and stuff so I wouldn't do them.
Question 04: Your views on religion
I don't care what people practice, just so long as they don't hurt anybody or force their views on others. From hateful speech to hateful acts, no. Just keep your religion to yourself and I'm happy. As a whole, being spiritual is ok. Elderly people who partake in religion are healthier and happier. It gives a person hope. I guess I like religion if it is done right and helps people.
Question 05: A time when you thought about ending your own life
Never have.
Question 06: Write 30 interesting facts about yourself
ugh that's a lot
1. I was homeschooled
2. My hands and fingers are really dextrous. I'm double-jointed in them and I can lock my right middle finger
3. I used to think people could have sex with their clothes on. I was a kid.
4. I love Harry Potter
5. Fandoms have always been a part of my life. For as long as I can remember, I've always been a fierce fan.
6. Shipping has always been a part of my life too. When I was too young to know what shipping was, I shipped Carlos and Phoebe from Magic School Bus. I was less than 10 years old, lol
7. I am fascinated by language and am probably always thinking about language-related things
8. I wake up with a different song in my head each morning
9. I can drum, play piano, and sing
10. I do reasonably well at public speaking
11. I'm a vegetarian
12. My eyesight is steadily worsening
13. I twitch when I'm in the car, driving or writing
14. I love composing awkward country songs to make my boyfriend laugh
15. My spoken grammar is pretty shitty. Once, I said, "Everybody did's moving." It's because of the couple of languages bouncing around in my brain.
16. I once slept outside with my sick dog Chester because he was pooping so much and had to sleep outside so he wouldn't do it inside. I slept on the ground in a blanket all night. My face was a war zone of mosquito bites. My Chester slept by my side whenever he wasn't being sick.
17. Grocery shopping is the FUNNEST THING IN THE WORLD for me
18. I helped my mom win a cake baking competition by suggesting she liven up her plain frosting with a packet of strawberry Kool-aid
18. I won a Tokio Hotel America national competition for making Kauliz Pasta with a secret ingredient
19. My name is a bit different than the typical pronunciation of it. A parallel is like Marie Digby, remember her and her acoustic cover of Umbrella? It's not "muh-REE," it was "MAR-ee-ay." My name is like that, where it's pronounced a bit different.
20. I was apparently named after a mexican soap opera character. I've googled it but I can't find it and neither of my parents can remember what it was called.
21. I hate Toy Story mainly because of Woody and a bizarre nightmare I had about him.
22. I rarely wear hats, and despite that I have a ton of them
23. I read extremely fast
24. I have problems with shower curtains and them touching me
25. I've worked several jobs without actually ever being hired formally.
26. I despise birds
27. I enjoy hiking in mountains, and biking off-road
28. I'm a terrible picture taker. They always come out bad
29. I used to have a lot of different imaginary friends even when I was a teenager, because I was lonely
30. I love ostrich feather dusters