From LJ user ginger_veela!
Age: 23
Bed size: Twin. Very small...
Chore you dislike: Anything involving alphabetizing or arranging things by date.
Dog's name: Lucas
Every morning: I plan out my awesome day ahead
Favorite color: Deep coral
Gold or silver: Gold
Height: 5'8''
Instrument you used to play: I used to play drums way more. Now I only play piano, and even then only sometimes. :(
Kisses or hugs: Hugs!
Location: Midwest. Tornado alley. *hides in terror*
Mood: Calm
Nicknames: Pudding 'N Pie (don't ask)
Operations you've had: A couple of minor ones -- a wisdom tooth extraction and an ingrown toenail operation.
Pet peeves: People not keeping the house tidy. Another one is when people use like a million bowls, forks, spoons, and what have you to prepare one meal. Now there's a million dishes to wash, isn't there? Tsk tsk tsk.
Quote from a movie: "Well, YOU can sleep out in the rain tonight!"
"WE CAN....AND WE WILL." This quote is from the Even Stevens Movie
Right or left handed: Right
Siblings: One little brother
Time you wake up: When the alarm goes off, or when I'm tired of sleeping.
Underwear: Cotton kinds, idk. It's a certain style but I can't remember the name.
Vegetable you dislike: Asparagus -- but it's growing on me.
X-rays you've had: I've had a few done for dental purposes. Guess what guys??! I don't have any wisdom teeth anymore! I'm wisdom teeth free! :B
Yummy food you make: I don't make anything spectacular, but I eat pretty awesome things my boyfriend makes. I guess the most recent thing I made that was yummy was tiramisu, which was really hard and I never want to do it again.
Zoo favorite: PENGUINS