GD aka G-Dragon (birth name Kwon Ji Young) is 24 today! Happy birthday, GD!
GD is a rapper, singer, composer, producer, and generally awesome guy. He's the leader of Big Bang, a k-pop group. I love his unique voice! He's also got style, is very pretty, and is always changing his hairstyle! So I basically just love him to pieces. He's my favorite kpop person ever, which is saying something because I have a special and select collection of "favorite kpop people."
Isn't he pretty?
This was the cover for his solo album "Heartbreaker." I love every song on it. He's coming out with a new solo album within this month and I AM EXCITED BEYONG BELIEF!!!!
"Bad Boy" was a song title. How can someone so cute be a bad boy?? X3
Sometimes he likes dressing as a girl. I loved him in this era, when they were promoting their "Tonight" album and "Love Song" and "Cafe" songs. &hearts
AND HIS VOICE I LOVE IT SO MUCH!! It's weird and unique, but he rocks it. It really is a bit weird. This just proves how awesome he is. He can get really high, or down low and breathy. He has this drawling style and a uniquely-pitched voice that I just love. <3
His signature song. I love the imagery in the MV.
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I adore his falsetto in that chorus!
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If GD's singing this love song, I certainly don't hate it at all.
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This is a good sample of his rapping and singing
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He can do crazy country hoedowns and it still sounds good...
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Or he can get all cool and hip-hoppy.
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Even his commercials and marketing (he's the sponsor for the Korean online clothing vendor G-Market) are the bomb.
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I love his low notes and his high notes (but not his out of tune notes)
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And his lyrics! His lyrics are so funny! He's captain "G" Sparrow, he's "gee gee gee gee, baby baby baby, G-D G-D, baby baby baby" (it's a kpop joke), he's got the dragon balls, he'll hit your g-spot, etc etc. XD He rhymed his name "GD" with "sweetie." I love his little rap interludes and their English. One of the lines was "steady ready rappin and swaggin, girl" and I have no clue what that's supposed to mean.
He makes me so happy! I spent all day today listening to him and Big Bang. <3 Happy G-day (b-day) G-Dragon!!!