25/100: Running

Jul 22, 2012 23:33

I've been running as exercise and recreation for 5 years, I think. I seem to run in cycles-- like running a lot, to getting busy and not running. But yes, 5 years! I also cycle through my running-related interests and goals. Sometimes I get into off-road running, or running on the treadmill, or trying to run long distances, or trying to increase my speed. Currently, I'm trying to run faster uphill at slight inclines. I was going to try training for a half marathon this summer, but I realized I don't have time to train like I'd need to because of how busy I've been lately.

There are a lot of reasons I like running.

It's so simple and mindnumbing. I don't think about anything serious or stressful when I run. I ponder weird, nonsensical stuff like what I'd do if I was caught up in a bank robbery, or what I'd do if I saw Bill on a bus and he needed CPR and I administered CPR and how grateful he'd be, or fic plotting or whatever it may be.

It's so good for your body. I was once scanned in a big dexascan machine and the technician went over my results with me and told me I have very strong bones. I was even two standard deviations above the mean for bone density, I think. Boo yeah. I don't get winded when I have to walk or run for a bit, and that feels good to know I can count on my body for that. I give my heart and lungs an A+!

It lets me connect with nature -- that is, when the weather is nice enough. I have my gravel and dirt country roads that I jog on, and I have a real connection to my roads. I know where the rocks and ruts are, and how I shouldn't stand under this tree or that tree because of a beehive. I see a range of wildlife, really pretty clouds, and neat plants and insects.

When I visit my dad who lives in the desert and by mountains, we run in the foothills of the mountains on the trails. It is seriously beautiful, and a workout from all the hills and stuff you have to jump over. Running off-road is something I've been getting into lately.

I don't let nasty weather stop me. When it's like that, I go to the gym and use the treadmill. Treadmills are pretty amazing. You can set inclines, do programs, monitor speed, heart rate, calories, and distance, and some even have a fan that blows cools air on you. I freaking love treadmills.

Sometimes when I jog outside by my house, I have a buddy. His name is Tommy-bear, and he's the neighbor's gigantic black labrador. He's an awesome running companion and he makes me feel safe and keeps me company. But he's so clumsy and he always runs into my legs from behind, or goes in front and cuts me off. It's like he tries to trip me. I dunno. He's not the sharpest crayon in the crayola box, so.

I've even named my shoes. They are nike zig techs, and the left one is Chantal and the right one is Elena. They are black with pink laces. I like them! They don't give me pain. My previous ones did, but Chantal and Elena are great.

It makes me feel good in a lot of ways. I am tired and/or energized, and my sleep cycles are great. I come from a family who have a bunch of sleep disorders, so I treasure that my sleep cycles are ok. It really does give energy, too. It helped me lose weight too, which is always fantastic. It makes me feel strong and able to run, that my body can do that.

In August, I'm gonna run a 5k event called the Color Run! I don't know exactly what happens, but apparently people throw colorful paint at you while you run, and it all supports charity. I have no idea, but it sounds like fun. I know some people who have done it and they loved it. I'm hoping to meet up with a certain new and special friend there too.... we'll see how that works out. :)

So that's my spiel about running. I love to run. I was thinking about it today when I finished my workout. I ran 5k in 30 minutes and 11 seconds! I was proud of myself. I ran it at a 2% incline and at 6.5 mph. It's cool of me that I can do that, and even cooler that I felt alright during and afterwards.

Ready set GO, it's time to run! Running through the monsoon.... and we were born to run, come on...


exercise, running, 100 things, real life

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