Colordeangel's last video

Sep 11, 2011 00:38

"You are the best thing to have ever happened to me"

:') Her words are beneath the cut. <3

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Here it is, my very last video.

Never thought this day will come but I guess things arrive when you least expect them to.
Yes it's my last one, I do not plan on making more videos. I may be posting concert videos if I have the time, but not like this anymore.

The main reason is my studies cause I'll become a doctor, this year I really do want to concentrate only on that with no distractions and as much as I love making videos, vidding is quite a distraction, therefore this year it'll only be science for me, after all it's my future and I want to be prepared for it when it'll come and therefore make the best of it and finally live the life of my dreams.

These last 4 years have been the most outstanding years for me.
Tokio Hotel really did make me open my eyes and see a new world and have new perspectives.

They have made me who I am now.

Vidding has been since February 2008, my great escape, the best way I've found until now (apart from piano) to let everything I have inside of me out, to finally express all this unexplained feelings and therefore undestand them and me better.

My family supported me since the start about this (specially my father) even if I had problems with them sometimes about it and about Tokio Hotel, they have always been there to show me the right path and loved me the way I am, specially my beloved sisters, my precious confidents♥

I never thought I would actually « excell » in this « hobby », I didn't even know what subscribers were until I started getting all those mails from youtube telling me someone has subbed me.

You have no idea how your amazing feedback, and all those wonderful messages I get telling me how you like my videos and how I might « inspired » you to start making videos or even helped some of you, that's the greatest satisfaction of them all, I started actually making videos for me, and I still do but having the knowledge that I can actually help fans to get all those unexplained feelings out and to understand them like I do, that's really such a good thing to know, some of you sometimes even made feel special sometimes :') even my « haters » if I can call them like that, thank you for always giving me dislikes because first of all you are so devoted to my videos and second of all, the more dislikes a video has, the less chances it has to be blocked, so thanks.

I just can say thank you, to everyone of you, for supporting me and apreciating my works. My videos aren't even that great, the only thing I expect my videos to have at the end of them is relieve, relieve of the feelings that just have been « explored » cause these boys, specially him, he gives me 100 of emotions...but you made the best of them :') Thank you again really♥

Above all this, I had the amazing opportunity to meet such wonderful people, only thanks to Tokio Hotel♥ it's unbelievable♥
I just couldn't mention all of you right now, but you know who you are, the people I met here really mean a lot to me and always will cause I know that there are actually people outthere just like me♥ and that's such a great feeling♥
You are all so special to me♥ thank you for the great talks and amazing moments :')♥ I seriously love you all♥
This video is for Lykke.
Lykke, I promised you a video so this one is for you♥ thank you for your words and for your beautiful birthday gift♥ hope you like it, I love you♥ :')

I'm not closing the book, I'm just turning the page.

I think my mission in here is done :') haha♥ at least for me, I can really say now, that I'm finally in peace with my own feelings and thoughts about this band that has changed my life so much.

This of course doesn't mean I will stop supporting Tokio Hotel, not at all! I will always love them, always♥
Tokio Hotel is not my life, but they are the soundtrack of it, and always will♥

Ich werde euch immer lieben♥ bis wir uns wiedersehen meine Helden♥

Thank you so much :') hope you enjoyed my videos as much as I enjoyed making them this last 4 years :')
till the next time♥

Valeria (Colordeangel)


"You are the best thing that has ever happened to me"

I found a treasure
and it has your name
So wonderful and precious
and all the money in the world couldn't buy it
You fall asleep next to me
I could contemplate you all the night
Look at how you sleep, listen to how you breathe
Until we wake up in the morning
You have suceed like always
to take my breath away
When you are next to me I can barely believe it
that someone like me has deserved someone as beautiful as you

You are the best that has ever happened to me
it feels so good how you love me
I don't tell you so often
It's wonderful that you are here

Because everything you give me
makes me feel so endlessly good
If I'm restless
you are the journey without end
That's why I put my little big world
in your protective hands.

love, bill, video, colordeangel

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