Jun 27, 2004 22:03
So I read the novel.
and just got home from seeing it at the theatre.
I had been waiting a month to cry my eyes out over this film. and ya, I did.
I wouldn't say it's knowck your socks off, blow you away, 'Movie of the year' material, but I was quite satisfied. and any piece of work that can bring you to tears deserves recognition. Even more so that I got something out of it. I walked out of the theatre feeling almost relieved. Like I had finally come to my senses about things that should've been taken care of awhile ago. It felt so good to cry. and I've made a few decisions based on what I took out of the theatre and I feel really good about it.
I'm really happy.
I mean that.
I'm happy.
and things are looking up this summer.
and holy moley, Ryan Gosling is hot.