I'm in a hurry to get to work early today, so I don't have time for the usual writeups... just the animals.
Animals: The most unusual color that I've seen in any cat here, Maxwell's papers state that this 1-year-old male is a Burmese mix with "Chocolate" color. This photo really doesn't capture the shade and striping on Maxwell's coat. Very pretty, and also soft. When I've visited, Maxwell has been very approachable but still skittish. I think some time to adjust in familiar surroundings would help a lot. I rested my chin on the floor of zheir cage for a while, and it was amusing to watch Maxwell ever so slowly inch towards me until a tentative paw finally reached out far enough to touch my face.
Even more skittish, and definitely a submissive cat, Lebowski is a handsome ginger kitty. The paperwork says that this domestic shorthair male is 7 years old, but I suspect maybe zhey's younger than that. I've been spending a lot of time during the last week visiting Lebowski, and the effort has paid off. At first, the big lunk would just hide under a perch with a tucked-in tail. Now, though, Lebowski has been brave enough to walk around the shared cat room to step on my legs and arms to solicit petting... until any other cat looks our direction, and then *zoom* off goes Lebowski back under the nearest perch. I mentioned submissive, right?
Sharing the same communal cat room with Lebowski is Nellie. I have a hard time reading this cat, for some reason. A 1-year-old domestic shorthair, this female cat has been more patient with Lebowski than the other cats in the room while I've seen them all together. Not very inquisitive, but certainly willing to accept loving attention, Nellie has had a very reserved character even for a cat. Paperwork says to avoid bringing dogs around Nellie, but I have a hard time imagining what could evoke a strong response from this laid-back lady.
As of this writing,
Lebowski, and
Nellie are all available for visitation and adoption at our Golden Valley facility.