last incarnation of BeOS appeared on the scene in March 2000, ten years ago. I still have my paid disks somewhere, if anyone's taking count. I paid my money because I really wanted them to succeed. Be was the only operating system that ever caught my attention as thoroughly as AmigaOS had done many years before.
A decade later, we now have
Haiku. I installed it today, and I'm posting from it now. I would've been excited to see Haiku show up back in 2000. Today, though, I find myself wondering, "So what do I do with it now?"
The install went okay, but not as flawlessly as BeOS did so long ago. The file reads from cd-rom were slower now, for some reason. Haiku wouldn't put an entry into the boot loader for me, so I had to do that on my own. Nevertheless, it went much better than the latest OpenSolaris install did tonight. (More on that adventure some other day.) The Mozilla port is working passably well for me, as it allows me to post on LiveJournal. The auto-refresh, however, is slow enough to cause seizures when using the "Rich text" interface on LiveJournal. That's some painful blinking. The web browser won't load Facebook at all, but that's probably a point in its favor, to be honest.
I give the Haiku developers high marks for getting this far in their recreation of BeOS! I'm just not sure if I'll use it for anything more than a nostalgia fix. :( Still, a stroll down memory lane is enjoyable every once in a while. :)
(edit) P.S. I forgot to mention the relevance of the new name, Haiku. The original BeOS used error messages for its web browser that were written in haiku poetry format.