After the first snow a few weeks ago, tree leaves starting turning color in abundance. Leaves fell to the ground soon afterward. Most of the deciduous trees are already bare.
We changed timeclocks here on Sunday to comply with the ending of daylight saving time. The difference is obvious. As I stepped outside of work at 5pm, the sun was already about 3° below the horizon. I know, because the full moon had already risen about 3° above the horizon. It was almost fully dark by the time I got home.
I started thinking about how northern areas experience so much less sunlight than equatorial areas. Minnesota and Texas are very different in that regard.
Thanks to
DaylightChart and, I was able to produce this illustration of the difference between Minnesota and Texas. Look at the right-hand side of the chart for winter solstice (December 21st). Notice how much less daylight we have in Minneapolis compared to Houston. Conversely, notice how much more sunlight we get during summer solstice (June 21).
It's cold. It's dark. It's bare. This is winter.