May 30, 2007 12:02
They let me send this letter to the editors of newspapers. I sent it to the Baltimore City Paper, The Baltimore Examiner, Baltimore Sun, and the Capital.
If they actually print it and you see it let me know!
I think it is very important that our senators pass the Matthew Shepard Act. This discrimination has to end. It is the exact same discrimination that Americans once had towards black people and now most of us think of how absurd that was because we recognize that they are people just like anyone else. The same goes to gay people - they are people like you and me and they deserved to be protected against being beaten or murdered. Why would anyone not support an act that protects someone from being beaten and murdered for something so personal? Many people on the right-wing that oppose this issue claim that it would take away their freedom of speech but that is a very absurd idea. Speech is not a hate crime, you can say all the disrespectful things you want, right-wingers. Not supporting this issue is like saying you want gay people dead or hurt and that is very heartless. Its not fair that gay people have to work extra hard for their rights. They are American citizens and they pay their taxes. I have a beautiful friend who has been through so much discrimination and hurtful vandalism because of her sexual orientation. Its ridiculous and it needs to end now.