Mar 25, 2005 17:32
Well it is supposed to be Spring!!! We still have snow here in the Arm-Pit-of-the Country. I am feeling a little tired of Winter. I want to get out and rake and work on the yard. Blah!!! Did I say that? Boy I am sick. I'll have to find my work gloves first. I miss my children this week. My youngest did call and invited me to spend Easter with her and her new hubby. It sounded good. I forgot to offer to bring something. She knows I don't cook. I might try to make something to bring. I want to be a good guest. I have been trying to read a book written by Tom Brokaw called The Greatest Generation. It is pretty good. I love reading about history and people. There are a lot of similarities to things happening today in the news. The struggles of the lower classes and how social security began in Roosevelt's Administration. To bad we don't seem to learn from are past.