Jun 01, 2005 19:43
i just saw sisterhood of the traveling books with ashleUH and it was just like the books and actually surprisingly good but LONG and it was emotional but good and you should see it bc it was good ok i only said that 3 times maybe you'll get the point.
wow i leave for boston in two weeks. wow 2 thats it i'm so excited but must get my life in order before then... BUH!
to do list before i leave:
1- ipod duh
2- shopping, LOTS of shopping for that 'business attire' ha
3- i need more jewelry bc i've managed to let slip all but one pair of earings down my sink and then my favorite pair i broke but eh that's what glue is for but you know they're from harwin and only like a buck twenty so is it really worth it??
4- change fatty's litter he's starting to smell
5- change pico's water but he always smells
6- finish at least ONE movie with jac ha
7- get life in order buuuuut maybe that can wait
8- gotta get those stupid tests outta the way. this is mom: these are the biggest tests in your life TO DATE! BUH- that was me
9- gets BOOKS, GOOD ones
yeah i'll think of more
lately i live by lists. i feel.... mentally incapable... how sad.