Nov 12, 2004 17:49
I haven't updated for awhile which is awesome to me, but maybe not for you.
Recently things have been up and down, but right now they are up. I like that it is colder outside because that means it can be warm inside.
I've been pretending to bust my ass for GHP, but I haven't really been doing that. That's no good, especially since my interview is now Tuesday and not Thursday. So basically I am screwed and think I have no chance of getting in. End.
Today I went on a field trip to make art with little kids. Some little kids smell bad. Some little kids are very awesome. Some little kids wish they were the ruler of all things that flash.
Tonight I don't know what I am doing yet, but I hope I do something. I want to run around.
I haven't been talking to people as much and that is sad. But they haven't been talking to me either, so we both lose. But I've been talking to the Carolina everyday, which makes my days brighter by about 100 measurements of light. You make me smile.
I wish I had a funny story to tell you so that maybe you would comment and/or actually read this, but I don't. The less I write in here, the less I have to write because there is so much but I'd have to explain a lot. Hmm. Oh wait, good story:
I got a whole new wardrobe! It's awesome amazing. Yeah that story sucked hard.
Soooooooooooooooooo bye.