My dream.

Apr 09, 2011 07:16

Trop fucking chien. I was dreaming that I was at a concert of kpop but it was in this forest or something weird, and there was a fence blocking our way to the stage and then we saw the guy with blue hair from Dalmatian and this guy beside me started to sing "Don't wanna be lonely...etc" and I sang with him and youngwon looked at us and waved and we were like omg cool! AND THEN. I saw Taemin coming our way and I called his name and he looked at me and said "Ne?" and then I said "You look beautiful!" and he said something in korean that I don't know xD THEEEEEEEEEEEN. He came OVER the fence and in my head I was like OMFG... but i was just standing there so frozen. So he came to us and I put my hand so he can shake it and his hand was soooooo freaking soft, idek... and then I started blabbing about I dont even know! I couldn't even talk right I was like frozen idk ;_; and the guy beside me was chuckling and I was like "t-t-tha-ank y-y-ou" to Taemin. And the dream was just so awesome and then I was going to ask where is Key so I said "Key hyung???" AND AT THAT EXACT MOMENT MY FREAKING ALARM CLOCK STARTED. OMFGGGGGGGGG. i was like NO WTF NOOOOOOOOOOOO and I closed it and tried to go back to sleep but yeah...........;_; This is the second dream of Kpop - SHINee that I remember! And what the hell? I only see Taemin in my dreams ._. anyways, the moral of this story is that: YOU SHOULD NEVER PUT YOUR ALARM CLOCK! EVEN IF YOU'LL BE LATE FOR SOMETHING. lol jk idk. k ill shut up now.
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