Foiled Phonesex (Matt/Mello)

Aug 24, 2007 04:26

Title: Foiled Phonesex
Author: LumCheng
Fandom: Death Note
Pair/Charas: Matt/Mello
Challenge: Sorry, wrong number!
Rating: Work Safe
Warnings: yaoi, crack, silly, language, blah~
Note: This is part of my german crack-challenge-thingy. I actually started to translate some parts of it and yeah... here’s another one. This takes part before the tentacle-sex-thingy ^^;
Beta: Cabbit_girl and after this the whole thing was a bit overhauled by Kelly (aka flagfish)! Thx, sweeties ^^ andIloveyou, Kelly!! My sick little bastard, my Mello *_*

click for crack

[x-posted to death_note]
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