It's been a while since I updated - things have been slightly busy.
The move is complete. I still have a few things to take care of, all of which have to do with the floor. Still, everything looks great and I'm very happy with the new place. I've had a few friends over to visit and everyone's liked it too. I wish someone would answer my texts now, since I'm feeling kinda lonely and am trying to invite any of my friends who've not seen it yet.
I caved in to temptation and bought the TV I described in an earlier post. It didn't come cheap, but it is absolutely dreamy. I've been watching a Blu-ray movie almost every day since it arrived, because I feel like I haven't watched a movie until I've seen it on this screen. It is seriously mind-blowing-ly awesome and everyone who reads this should come visit me and we'll watch a movie and you'll know how awesome it is too.
The TV costs more than I should have spent, considering how much I've already spent on the down payment and the move and all that, but I did come up with a justification, since I have to rationalize everything I do lest I go crazy. When my folks came to visit, I mentioned that I wanted to get a cat soon, and my mom pretty much begged me not to. She's not fond of animals at all, to the extent that when I was little, she told me she was allergic to cats and dogs so that I wouldn't want to get one. (Side note: I love my parents, but isn't that mean? lol) Anyway, I was already planning for a cat both mentally and financially, and since I want my mom to feel free to come visit whenever she wants without worrying about getting along with my furry roommate, I decided that I'd buy a TV instead, since I'm likely to spend the same kind of money on a cat eventually. So that's my story for why I bought the TV and I'm sticking to it.
Anyway, my old 42" LCD is on sale. Let me know if you'll be in the Charleston area and want to buy it soon.
In other news, my job transition at work is coming along nicely. I'm happy to wrap up my work and either finish it out or pass it off, since I had a ton of different projects to start with, and now the list is getting smaller and smaller. I've also enjoyed every minute I've spent training or practicing for my new role, so I'm really looking forward to it. It's also a good feeling to know that my managers are behind me and willing to support me as I make the switch, since it could be a little daunting at the start. I'm eager to get into it full-steam.
Finally, something quite strange happened last week. I was out Friday and ran into a good friend from work, whose brother and roommate were out hanging out with him. I'd met his brother before, but his roommate and I never really met although I'd seen her around. We introduced ourselves and had a fun, light conversation. Friend's birthday was Saturday and he had a bunch of folks over for a party at his place. I didn't know a lot of the people there, but I did get a chance to chat with the girl I'd met on Friday. It turns out she's got a great sense of humor, has a lot in common with myself, and is quite cute. It was then I realized that, at least for me, attraction was firing on all cylinders. It's something quite strange because it's honestly not happened in a long time, longer than I'm willing to admit. Unfortunately I had to leave suddenly and didn't get her number but I'm sure we will cross paths again. I'd hate to rush things anyway, and it's not like I'm not enjoying the bachelor life in my new place. ;)
Anyway, that's life lately. How's yours?